Mark 10:  As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark 10:  As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mark 10:17-22 17 As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’”

3 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

4 “As a lover and disciple of Jesus Christ, I am called to be a reformer, world changer, and history maker. As a reformer, I pledge to advance His Kingdom, fulfill the Great Commission, and live for the glory of God.”

5 1. KNOW: “As a lover and disciple of Jesus Christ”

6 A. Become a LOVER Deuteronomy 10:  “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. 13 And you must always obey the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.

7 B. Become a DISCIPLE Matthew 16:24 - Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.”

8 2. BE: “I am called to be a reformer, world changer, and history maker.”

9 A. Become a REFORMER Acts 17:6 - … “Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world,” they shouted, “and now they are here disturbing our city, too.”

10 B. Become a World CHANGER & History Maker
John 3:17 – God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

11 3. DO: “I pledge to advance His Kingdom, fulfill the Great Commission, and live for the glory of God.”

12 A. Advance His KINGDOM Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

13 B. Fulfill the Great COMMISSION
Matthew 28:19-20 – 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you…

14 C. Live for the GLORY of God
1 Corinthians 10:31 – So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

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