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What is a ‘Killer” Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "What is a ‘Killer” Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a ‘Killer” Presentation
A primer

2 The introduction / setting the scene / the elevator pitch
Include your teams’ name, your own name and title, and contact details. The audience can read the slide and summarize what you do (e.g., we sell software, we protect the environment). Open simply with, “This is my team and this is what we have built.” You want to get Judges thinking about the potential for your product/ service and the size of the market from the start. Why should the audience care?

3 The problem Describe the problem that you’re trying to solve. The goal is to get everyone in the Judges’ panel nodding and buying in. Avoid looking for a solution that is searching for a problem. Minimize citations of consulting studies about the future size of the market. What do you do?

4 The solution Explain how you resolve the problem and the value that you create. Ensure that the Judges clearly understand what you have build and state your value proposition as simply as possible. This is not the place for an in-depth technical explanation. Provide just the gist of how you fix the problem. Why are you better?

5 The market (total / accessible / convergence / growth)
How does your solution meet customer needs. Demonstrate you in-depth knowledge of what the customers want and how what you have built will address these. Does your solution work?

6 The business / revenue / pricing model
Explain how you make money — who pays, what your distribution channels are, what your gross margins or your gross savings. In general, a unique, untested business model is a scary proposition. If you truly have a revolutionary business model, explain it in terms of familiar ones. How will you make money?

7 The proprietary technology / unique selling points
Describe the technology, the secret sauce or the magic behind your product or service. Aim for less text and more diagrams, schematics and flowcharts on this slide. White papers and objective proofs of concepts are helpful here. Why are you better?

8 The competition Provide a complete view of the competitive landscape.
Too much is better than too little. Never dismiss your competition. Everyone—customers, investors and employees—wants to hear why you’re good, not why the competition is bad. How will you stay better?

9 The marketing plan Explain how you will reach your customer and your marketing leverage points. Convince the Judges that you have an effective go-to-market strategy that will not break the bank. What will you do / how will you execute?

10 The team (short CV & photo) / new hires / advisors
Describe the key players on your team, Board of Directors / Advisors. Do not be afraid to show up with less than a perfect team. All teams have holes in them – what’s truly important is whether you understand that there are there and you are willing/ planning to fix them. Why you?

11 The necessary investment / expenses / relevant milestones / “the ask”
Provide a 3-5 year forecast containing not only € but also key metrics, such as number of customers and conversion rate. Explain the current status of your product or service, what the near future looks like and how you’ll use the money and / or resources you need. Do a bottom-up forecast. Include long sales cycles and seasonality. Making people understand the underlying assumptions of your forecast is as important as the numbers you’ve fabricated. Share the details of your positive momentum and traction. Then use this slide to close with a bias toward action from your Judges. How much will it cost?

12 What is a winning Hackathon team Skills
Engineering Design - UI/UX Finance Marketing Sales

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