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Bacteria, Protists, Fungi and some Animals (text pages 29-35)

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria, Protists, Fungi and some Animals (text pages 29-35)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria, Protists, Fungi and some Animals (text pages 29-35)
1.4 Asexual Reproduction Bacteria, Protists, Fungi and some Animals (text pages 29-35)

2 Asexual Reproduction The formation of a new individual that has identical genetic information to its parent.

3 Reproduction Asexual Sexual Binary Fission Budding Spore Formation Fragmentation Vegetative Conjugation Separate Sexes Hermaphroditic

4 Bacteria (see p. 29-30 in text)
Have no nuclear membrane (prokaryotic) Have only one chromosome Reproduction asexually by the process of binary fission.

5 Binary Fission Steps (see p. 30) cell wall ruptures
single chromosome gets copied cell grows longer and a chromosome moves to each end. cell membrane pinches off. cell wall grows to surround both cells.


7 Protists Examples include paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella
Protists Examples include paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella unicellular organisms with a true nucleus (eukaryotic). mitosis takes place creating two identical cells.

8 Fungi Examples include moulds, yeast, and mushrooms.
Examples include moulds, yeast, and mushrooms. Filaments called hyphae grow over the surface of food.

9 Fungi have 3 methods of asexual reproduction 1) Fragmentation
Athletes Foot Fungi – a small piece of hyphae breaks away and grows into a new individual. It is identical to its parent. (fungi – p 32)

10 2) Budding a copy of the nucleus is made.
2) Budding a copy of the nucleus is made. - The nuclei press against the cell membrane, forming a bud which grows and breaks off. (hydra & yeast) orts.pop?topic=Reproduction#

11 3) Spores – special cells called spores are stored in a case called a sporangium. The spores are released when ready and go through mitotic cell division if they land in suitable conditions. (bread mold – p 33)

12 Animals Invertebrates (without backbone) make up 97% of animal species
Example, Planaria (Flatworms) – divide in two and replace the parts that are missing. Example, Sponges and hydras – reproduce by budding. see pg 35.

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