Cell Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Reproduction

2 Cell Reproduction– Binary Fission 4.1
1. Cells Reproduce by – Cell Division 2. Cells must first grow to a certain _________ before dividing. size

3 Cell Division 3. In a multicellular organism, cell division allows the organism to: Grow new cells Repair damaged cells Make gametes (reproduce)

4 Prokaryotes They lack a nucleus They have a single chromosome
Remember….. They lack a nucleus They have a single chromosome Include bacteria How do they reproduce?

5 Prokaryotes: single-celled
4. In single-celled organisms, the organism reproduces by cell division. This is a type of asexual reproduction because only 1 parent cell is involved. 5. The simplest type of cell division called binary fission occurs in bacteria Watch Video on Binary Fission

6 Binary Fission 6. Definition:
A form of cell division in which a prokaryotic cell divides into two cells that identical in size and genetic content.

7 Main Steps in Binary Fission
A. The chromosome is copied. This process is called DNA Replication. B. A new cell membrane and cell wall form between the copied chromosomes. C. The cell pinches into 2 daughters cells that are identical in size and gene content.

8 E. Coli Dividing by Binary Fission

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