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3.2 Language and Grammar Left Factoring Unclear productions

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1 3.2 Language and Grammar 3.2.7 Left Factoring Unclear productions
Left factoring the grammar A   A A  1 | 2

2 3.2 Language and Grammar Example Dangling Else
stmt  if expr then stmt else stmt | if expr then stmt | other Left factoring stmt  if expr then stmt optional_else_part optional_else_part  else stmt | 

3 3.2 Language and Grammar 3.2.8 Non-Context-Free Language Constructs
L1 = {wcw | w is in (a | b)*} Checking that identifiers are declared before used L2 = {anbmcndm | n  0, m  0} Number of formal parameters agrees with the number of actual parameters L3 = {anbncn | n  0} Requirements for typesetting L1= {wcwR | w(a|b)*} S  aSa | bSb | c L2 = {a nbmcmdn | n  1, m  1 } S  aSd | aAd A  bAc | bc L 2 = {a nbncmdm | n  1,m  1 } S  AB A  aAb | ab B  cBd | cd L3 ={a nb n | n  1 } S  aSb | ab

4 3.2 Language and Grammar L3 ={a nb n | n  1 }
S  aSb | ab L3 could not be described using Regex If there exists an DFA D accepting L3’, with k states Suppose D reaches s0, s1, …, sk after reading , a, aa, …, ak , respectively For an input with more than k a’s, some state must be entered twice si …。。。 f s0 Path labeled ai Path labeled bi Path labeled aj  i

5 3.2 Language and Grammar 3.2.9 Formal Language
Grammer G = (VT , VN, S, P) Type 0:  , ,   (VN VT)*, |  |  1 Type 1:|  |  |  |,except S   Type 2:A  ,AVN ,   (VN ∪VT)* Type 3:A  aB or A  a,A, BVN , a VT Unrestricted Context Sensitive Free Regex

6 3.2 Language and Grammar Example:L3={ a nb nc n| n  1}
S  aSBC S  aBC CB  BC aB  ab bB  bb bC  bc cC  cc Derivations of anbncn S * a n-1S (BC) n1 S + an(BC)n S + anBnCn S + a nbB n1C n S + a nbnC n S + anbncC n-1 S + a nbncn

7 Revisions A 1 | 2 Regex Left Factoring A+Aa
Restrictions A+Aa Eliminating Left Recursion Context Free Grammar Definition Derivation Parse Tree Type 0 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Left most Right most Ambiguity Elimination of Ambiguity

8 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.1 Common Appoaches 例: S  aCb C  cd | c
Given input w = acb S a C b S a C b c d S a C b c Not suitable for grammars with left recursions or common left-factors

9 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.2 LL(1) Grammar
How to restrict the grammar to avoid backtrack? Define two functions, i.e., first and follow FIRST ( )={a |  * a…, a  VT} 1、esp., if * , define   FIRST ( ) 2、if AB, then FIRST(B) should be added to FIRST(A) Given two choicesi and j, FIRST (i )  FIRST (j ) =  On condition that  not in FIRST (i ) or FIRST (j )

10 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.2 LL(1) Grammar
How to restrict the grammar to avoid backtrack? Define two functions, i.e., first and follow FOLLOW (A) = {a | S * …Aa…,aVT} 1. If A is the right most symbol of a sentential form, place $ in FOLLOW(A) 2. If there is a production AB or AB, in which   * , then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B)

11 3.3 Top-Down Parsing LL(1) Grammar
Any production A  |  should agree with FIRST( )  FIRST( ) =  If  *  , then FIRST()  FOLLOW(A) = 

12 3.3 Top-Down Parsing LL(1) Grammar
Any production A  |  should agree with FIRST( )  FIRST( ) =  If  *  , then FIRST()  FOLLOW(A) =  Characteristics of LL(1) No common left-factor Not ambiguous No left recursion

13 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 例 E  TE  E   + TE  |  T  FT 
F  (E) | id FIRST(E) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(F) = { ( , id } FIRST(E ) = {+, } FRIST(T ) = {*, } FOLLOW(E) = FOLLOW(E ) = { ), $} FOLLOW(T) = FOLLOW (T ) = { +, ), $} FOLLOW(F) = {+, *, ), $}

14 7、Computing FIRST and FOLLOW
If Xa.., Place terminalain FIRST(X) If X, then place  in FIRST(X) If XY…,where Y is a non-terminal, then add everything of FIRST(Y)\{} to FIRST(X) If XY1Y2..YK, where Y1,Y2,..Yi-1 are non-terminals, and all the FIRST set of Y1,Y2,..Yi-1的FIRST contain , then place FIRST(Y)\{} in FIRST(X), (j=1,2,..i). Especially, if all Y1~YK contain  production, then place  in FIRST(X) FIRST(B)={a,b,c} FIRST(A)={a,b,c,d} FIRST(S)={a,b,c} SBA ABS|d BaA|bS|c

15 7、Computing FIRST and FOLLOW
For the start symbol S, place $ in FOLLOW(S) If there exists AB, then place FIRST()\{} in FOLLOW(B). Note that  could be empty If A B or A B , and  * ( is in FIRST()), then place FOLLOW(A) in FOLLOW(B)( could be empty)。 FIRST(B)={a,b,c} FIRST(A)={a,b,c,d} FIRST(S)={a,b,c} FOLLOW(S)=? FOLLOW(A)=? FOLLOW(B)=? SBA ABS|d BaA|bS|c

16 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.3 Recursive Descent Parsing Example:
A set of procedures, for each non-terminal The procedures could be recursive Example: type  simple |  id | array [simple] of type simple  integer | char | num dotdot num

17 3.3 Top-Down Parsing An auxiliary procedure
procedure match (t : token); begin if lookahead = t then lookahead := nexttoken( ) else error( ) end;

18 3.3 Top-Down Parsing type  simple |  id | array [simple] of type
proccdure type; begin if lookahead in {integer, char, num} then simple( ) else if lookahead =  then begin match (); match (id) end else if lookahead = array then begin match (array); match (  [  ); simple( ); match (  ]  ); match (of ); type( ) else error( ) end; type  simple |  id | array [simple] of type

19 3.3 Top-Down Parsing simple  integer | char | num dotdot num
procedure simple; begin if lookahead = integer then match (integer) else if lookahead = char then match (char) else if lookahead = num then begin match (num); match (dotdot); match (num) end else error( ) end; simple  integer | char | num dotdot num

20 Predictive Parsing Program
3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.4 Non-recursive predictive parsing a + b $ Input Predictive Parsing Program Parsing Table M Output X Y Z Stack

21 3.3 Top-Down Parsing Non-terminal Input Symbol id + * . . . E E  TE 
T  FT  T  T    T   *FT  F F  id

22 3.3 Top-Down Parsing Moves made by parser to accept id * id + id Stack
Input Output $E id * id + id$ $E T id * id + id$ E  TE  $E T F id * id + id$ T  FT  $E T  id id * id + id$ F  id $E T  * id + id$ $E T F* * id + id$ T   *FT  $E T F id + id$ $E T  id id + id$ F  id

23 E  TE  E   + TE  |  T  FT  T   * FT  |  F  (E) | id 输入:id*id 6、LL(1) Parsing E $ E stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    Depth first

24 T E’ $ stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    E T E

25 F T’ E’ $ stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    E T E F T

26 stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    id T’ E’ $ E T E F T id

27 stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    T’ E’ $ E T E F T id

28 输 入 输 出 $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    * F T’ E’ $ E T E F T id * F T

29 输 入 输 出 $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    F T’ E’ $ E T E F T id * F T

30 输 入 输 出 $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    id T’ E’ $ E T E F T id * F T id

31 stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    T’ E’ $ E T E F T id * F T id

32 stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    E’ $ E T E F T id * F T id

33 stack input output $E id * id $ $E T E  TE  $E T F T  FT  $E T  id F  id $E T  * id $ $E T F* T   *FT  id $ $ $E  T    E    $ E T E F T id * F T id

34 3.3 Top-Down Parsing 3.3.5 Constructing predictive parsing table
(1)For each production A   , execute(2) (3) (2)For each terminal a of FIRST(), add A   in M[A, a]。 (3)If  is in FIRST(), then for each terminal b (including $) of OLLOW(A), add A   in M[A, b]。 (4)Label undefined entries of M as error。

35 3.3 Top-Down Parsing Multiple defined entry Non-terminal Input Symbol
other b else . . . stmt stmt  other e_part e_part else stmt e_part   expr expr  b

36 3.3 Top-Down Parsing Multiple defined entry Non-terminal Input Symbol
other b else . . . stmt stmt  other e_part e_part else stmt expr expr  b

37 习 题 3.4(b)(c), 3.6(a)(b), 3.8



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