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Krishna: Vishnu in human form.

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Presentation on theme: "Krishna: Vishnu in human form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Krishna: Vishnu in human form.
Quiz: See if you can match up the key words you’ve learned about so far with their correct definitions. Stick it in your book.

2 Krishna: Vishnu in human form.
LO: To explain the symbolism in pictures of Krishna

3 When a god comes to earth in human form, we call this an avatar.
Krishna The god Vishnu came to earth in human form, as a prince called Krishna. When a god comes to earth in human form, we call this an avatar. There are many stories about him. As you watch the video about his childhood, see if you can answer the questions on the board. 3

4 Look at your two pictures of Krishna.
Using the ‘Top Trumps’ picture of Krishna, add labels to the other picture to show how symbolism is used. e.g. his transport is the sacred cow. 2) Say which is your favourite image of Krishna and explain why.

5 Imagine you could create a new Hindu God, which would represent one or more aspects of the One God.
What aspect of God would they represent? What would he or she look like? How would you use symbolism (items that represent something else). Would he or she have any special skills? Would he or she carry any tools? What would be their method of transport? Would they have a partner? Create a quick sketch with labels describing the symbolism you have used.

6 Explain in exactly 12 words who Krishna was.
To sum up…. Explain in exactly 12 words who Krishna was.

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