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By: Amber Aston, Riley Hoffer, Chase Logan, and Jared Ritson

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1 By: Amber Aston, Riley Hoffer, Chase Logan, and Jared Ritson
The Knight’s Tale By: Amber Aston, Riley Hoffer, Chase Logan, and Jared Ritson

2 Knight’s in the 1300’s Knights were admired by others
ideal of a medieval Christian man-at-arms he participated in over 15 great crusades during his era

3 Prologue Theseus was the ruler of Athens
Theseus took Hippolyta, the queen of Scythia back to Athens. Emily, Hippolyta’s younger sister was also brought to Athens. When Theseus went to war they returned with two prisoners, Palamon and Arcite.

4 Sworn Brothers the prisoners Palamon and Arcita were not only cousins, but sworn brothers who lived in a prison tower for several years (start at 50 sec)

5 Leaving the tower One morning Palamon looked out his window to see Theseus sister-in-law Emily and instantly fell in love. His cry awoke Arcita who then looks out the window to see the beautiful Emily. However, they argued over her, but they were both realized they couldn’t leave the prison. Perotheus petitioned for Arcita’s freedom. Theseus agrees, however is banished from Athens. Arcita doesn't like this because Palamon can still see Emily everyday.

6 Palamon’s Escape Mercury who is a messenger to the gods, appeared in one of Arcita’s dreams and told him to return to Athen’s. On the day of Arcita’s return to Athen’s, Palamon escapes from prison. When Theseus found them, the women of their court pleated not to kill them, so Theseus decided that a tournament would be held to decide the rightful claim of Emily.

7 A Prayer to the Gods The Sunday before the tournament Palamon visited the temple and prayed to the goddess of love, otherwise known as Venus and requested that she brings him Emily. The statue then makes a sign, in which Palamon looks as a positive answer. That morning Emily goes to the temple and prays to Diana, in which she prays to remain a virgin, however Diana told her she must marry one. Arcita too walks to the temple and prays to Mars, the god of war, and prays for victory. He too received a positive sign.

8 The Battle (start at 1:48)
After the rules were delivered, Arcita saw his chance and puts his knife at Palamon’s throat. Arcita was about to win the battle when Saturn, Venus’s father caused the earth to shake, and Arcita’s horse threw him crushing his chest. Although wounded, Arcita was transported to his bed, where he confessed his love to Emily. (start at 1:48)

9 The Mourning of Arcita As Arcita confesses his love, he tells Emily that if she would ever choose to marry another man, remember that he has all the qualities worthy of a knight. The town mourned, but Palamon and Emily continued to wear black until one day when Theseus told them that death must be accepted. From then on out, they were happy and became married.

10 Review

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