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By Joe Freedberg, Hannah Gray and Malcolm Mandel

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1 By Joe Freedberg, Hannah Gray and Malcolm Mandel
8 Types of Comedy By Joe Freedberg, Hannah Gray and Malcolm Mandel

2 Parody An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. For example, the Trump party + The Office

3 Reversal Role switch When two characters switch roles and do so in a humorous manner. Reversing the normal: Taking what’s normal or expected and doing the opposite

4 Incongruity The idea is that we laugh at things that surprise us because they seem out of place or are deemed not the social norm. For example,

5 Exaggeration -Overstating the truth to a comedic effect
For example, Jack and Jill No sisters are actually that annoying

6 Slapstick A type of comedy using boisterous and deliberately clumsy actions

7 Word Play Witty or clever exploitation of meanings and ambiguities of words For example,

8 Satire Exposing or criticizing people’s stupidity or vices
For example, SNL

9 Situational Comedy/Humour
Usually TV series made up of the same group of characters involved in unusual situations For example, Seinfeld, Two and a Half Men or The Office

10 The End Thanks for listening!

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