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The Middle East.

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1 The Middle East

2 Demographics Primarily Muslim (Sunni>Shi’ia)
There are pockets of Christians and Jews, but small in number Primarily Arab (from the Arabian Peninsula) Region is home over ½ of all known oil reserves


4 Iran Persian, not Arab Shi’ia muslims History:
CIA replaced Muhammad Mossadeq (democratically elected) with Muhammad Reza-Shah Pahlavi Ayatollah Khomeni replaced the Shah in the 1979 Islamic Revolution Created a theocracy: rule by religious leaders

5 Iran Contradictions Women maintain more rights than in most Middle Eastern countries Many want country to modernize Many citizens are pro-American US and Iran share a bond in not liking Iraq Odd since we supported Iraq during war with Iran which came about b/c of Iran’s hostage taking of Americans

6 Saudi Arabia Home to ¼ of the world’s oil
Founding member of OPEC (Org of Oil Exporting Countries) Strict, conservative nation Sharia Law derived from the Qur’an Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, and Pakistan have as well Limited rights for women Probably most conservative in the region Fear of modernization and social liberalization could undermine stability of their government

7 Saudi Arabia US-Saudi Relations
US opposes the lack of civil rights and personal freedoms, BUT… We need oil and their cooperation to keep oil prices down and production up If the Saudi monarchy is overthrown it would most likely be replaced by anti-American fundamentalists

8 Turkey Founded by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk
After WWI and defeat of Ottoman Empire One of only 2 lasting democracies in the Middle East (Mostly monarchies and theocracies) Over 35% “not religious” Women have more rights comparatively to rest of Middle East Member of NATO Working to enter the European Union

9 Turkey Crossroads of Europe and Asia
More “European” than rest of Middle East Culturally Turks and Kurds Democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic

10 Israel Inhabited by Jews since ancient times, but driven out by the Romans in 135 CE Muslims took over in the 600s Ottoman Empire ruled until WWI Balfour Declaration: Need to create a “national home” for Jews in Palestine WWII Germans tried to get Arabs to revolt against British British limit Jewish movement into Palestine Pleased Arabs, offended Jews Holocaust- over 6 million Jews killed

11 Israel 1947 Israel created by the United Nations
Set up Jewish and Arab “states” Israelis=Jews Palestinians=Muslims who lost their land Only Jewish state in the world Have nuclear weapons (wink, wink) Continual fighting with Palestinians (and Muslims in general)

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