Buying Performance Workshop

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1 Buying Performance Workshop
NTC FUE JRTC MITAS Buying Performance Workshop Oct 02 9/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED IT

2 AGENDA Introduction The Customer System Overview
Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) CLS Plan Metrics Contract Strategy Summary

3 TOW Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS)
One for One Replacement of the Ground TOW 2 (M220A2) System Modified ITAS (MITAS) Units Fielded 82d Airborne Division - 188 1st IBCT - 27 101st Airborne Division (AALT) 2/327 IN - 20 TRADOC – 7 2ID – 40 (Currently)

4 “The Customer” The “Light” Army: 82d Airborne, 101st Airborne (Air Assault), 25th Infantry Division (Light) (Hawaii), 2ID (Korea), etc. Rapid, Worldwide Deployability - 18 Hours “Wheels-Up” Varied Mission / Enemy - War to Peacekeeping Forced-entry - Often Remote Locations Limited Support 3-5 Days Later Limited Work Areas for Maintenance Limited Capacity for Transporting Repair Parts First to Fight!!! 4

5 Time “In the Pits” is Reduced
System Overview TARGET ACQUISITION SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED SIGHT 2nd GEN FLIR Detector (w/Monitor) - SADA II Laser Range Finder Direct View Optics FIRE CONTROL SUBSYSTEM Embedded Training Cards Missile Guidance BIT/BITE 4 LRU’s POWER SUPPLY/BATTERY BOX Dismounted Power Power Conditioning Built-In Battery Charger TRAVERSING UNIT MODS Brake Pistol Grip New TAS Mount Ground Mounted w/Tripod Time “In the Pits” is Reduced ITAS Designed to Improve Performance CLS Designed to Increase System Availability and Reduce Ownership Cost Performance Improvements Overall System Performance Is Improved Detection & Recognition Performance Is Over 2X Current System Improved Probability Of Hit Added Capability Increases Effectiveness Laser Range Finder and Passive Ranging to 10 KM, +/- 10M Aided Target Tracker Locks on Target TU Brake Eliminates Gunner Jerk 2X Zoom in Night Sight Enhances Magnification to 8X and 24X Extreme Clarity of 2nd Generation FLIR Auto Boresight Ensures System Accuracy Onboard Training Capability System Interfaces Enhances Gunner’s Performance Easy to Use Handgrips Controls Keeps Gunner’s Eyes on the Target Biocular Eyepiece Reduces Operator Eye Strain Push Button Functional Operation Menu Driven Display Support Improvements No Special Tools or Test Equipment Required to Fight or Maintain System Reduction in Prime and Ancillary Equipment Required to Fight and Maintain System From 18 LRUs and Ancillary Items to 6 LRUs Reduced Set-Up Time Built In Boresight Collimator Eliminates External Boresight Equipment Reduces Time to Boresight Increases Boresight Retention Built In Test/Built In Test Equipment Eliminates need for special test equipment Constantly Monitors Over 660 tests Fault Isolation to LRU/SRU MTTR 3.05 Hours - Demonstrated Less Than 1 hour Eliminates Need for 180 Day Verification Modular Construction No Buried LRU/SRUs 6 Access Covers Provide Easy Access to All Assemblies ITAS Performance Improvements Detection & Recognition 2X Current System Embedded Training Electronics Auto Boresight Improved Probability Of Hit Eye-safe Laser Range Finder Platform for TOW and Javelin Missiles ITAS Support Improvements Reduced Components (Embedded Boresight & Integrated Sight) Elimination Of 180 Day Verification Test BIT/BITE Eliminates Need For Organizational Test Equipment by Isolating to Component Modular Design For Accessibility And Reduced Maintenance No Special Tools CLS Incentivizes Contractor Toward 100% OR Rates Better Performance Equals More Kills and Greater Soldier Survivability

6 Detection And Recognition Performance (Moderate Weather)
The ITAS Performance Story ID RECOGNIZE DETECT Detection And Recognition Performance (Moderate Weather) TOW 2 AN/TAS-4C ID RECOGNIZE DETECT JAVELIN CLU ID RECOGNIZE DETECT ITAS 2nd Gen FLIR

7 ITAS Reduces Support Footprint and Cost
18 LRUs 6 LRUs TOW 2 ITAS No IFTE Van or Any Other Support Equipment For ITAS

8 Since Feb 01 on CLS Supported ITAS Components
The CLS Performance Story 100% OR Since Feb 01 on CLS Supported ITAS Components

9 Field Level Maintenance Military / Contractor Partnership
CLS Execution – A Team Effort Infantry Battalions MSB FRA FSB Field Level Maintenance Military / Contractor Partnership Raytheon Depot McKinney, Texas

10 ITAS Contractor Logistics Support
Support Goal: To Improve System Availability While Reducing Support Costs Accomplished By Contracting With the Prime Contractor For: Operational Readiness (OR) Minimum 90% Incentivized for Greater Than 90% Penalized For Less Than 90% Limited Depot Level Maintenance Facility Collocated With Selected Units Free Issue of Repair Parts to Units Separate Options for Contingencies and Transition to Follow-on Source CLS Provides High Operational Readiness (OR)

11 ITAS CLS CLS Is Invisible To the User Organizational (Crew / Operator)
PMCS BIT/BITE Soldier Maintainer Retains Normal Direct Support Mission Trouble Shoots and Repairs System Has Spares Loaded As Shop Stock The Collocated Contractor FRA Functions As a Depot Forward and Provides: Maintenance Supply No Change For Soldier CLS Interfaces with Army Info Systems ITAS Repair Spares Provided Free As Shop Stock to FSBs CLS Is Invisible To the User

12 CCMS Funds and Manages Batteries
ITAS SUPPORT PLAN Only the ITAS Peculiar LRUs Are Supported by CLS CCMS Funds and Manages Batteries Free Issue of Spares and Parts TAS BPS BB-622B/U NSN AN/PPS 5B Radar 10 hrs. Operation Requires 4 Batteries FCS TU Common Components (TOW and ITAS) Are Supported the Same As Now 1. ITAS repair parts are not provisioned in the Army Commodity Command Standard System (CCSS). As part of the contractor logistics support, the prime contractor performs the wholesale supply function. No ITAS repair parts are/were funded with Army Working Capital Funds (AWCF). The PMO receives OPTEMPO funds directly from DA to support both the retail supply and depot repair functions. Those functions associated with fielding a new system that are normally funded through Procurement Appropriation (APA), i.e., shop stock, etc., continue to be funded by APA. 2. Since the ITAS is not provisioned through CCSS, the PMO negotiated a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with both the US Army Materiel Command Logistic Support Activity (LOGSA) and the Defense Automated Addressing System Center (DAASC) for support. The agreements put into place the actions required by the prime contractor, the PMO, LOGSA, and DAASC to interface with SARSS. 3. According to current Single Stock Fund (SSF) business practices, all ASL's above shop stock will be absorbed into the SSF umbrella. Therefore, ITAS retail stocks are not stocked at unit's as ASL, but will be stocked as Shop Stock. Because of system reliability and the colocation of the Forward Repair Activity (FRA), only a small quantity of items are provided as shop stock. Therefore, pick up of ITAS retail stocks as excess is unlikely. 4. The prime contractor has been identified by Routing Identifier Code (RIC) as the source of supply for ITAS parts. The RIC has been designated as an official source of supply by LOGSA. 5. ITAS parts provisioning data is sent to Defense Logistic Information Systems (DLIS) electronically by LOGSA. This data is attached to the data stream that feeds the "global" SARSS database. A price signal code of "F" along with a zero price allows the requisition to pass to the wholesale level (prime contractor) with a zero price or "free". 6. The requisition starts at the SAMS1 and is then sent to the SARSS1 via floppy or "blasted". The requisition flows through the SARSS 2AD, then through the SARSS 2AC, then to DAASC. DAASC converts the ITAS requisitions into electronic data interchange (EDI) format and then sends it to the contractor. The prime contractor is able to receive the requisition, and send status and shipping information back to DAASC who then translates the EDI into MILSTRIP and it filters back down to the SARSS1 box. ITAS requisitions are identified at DAASC by the prime contractors RIC and the cage code of (both of which designate Raytheon as the source of supply). 7. The Defense Automated Addressing System (DAAS) has flipped the switch to prevent other Army information systems from receiving copies of the requisition. 8. To date we have passed more than 10 separate requisitions successfully, meaning the requisition was passed from the SARSS 1 to the contractor and the contractor was able to respond with a supply status and/or ship status. The unit was not charged for these parts, in effect they were free to the unit. 9. No protocols had to be changed at any level in SARSS to accommodate "free issue". DAASC already had in place the mapping necessary to translate MILSTRIP transactions to EDI and back again. In the last few weeks, we have seen a problem with passing a requisition from the SAMS1 to the SARSS1 box. Once we get to SARSS1, there is not a problem. The 82d has new personnel that have rotated in and we do not know at this point if it is something they are doing or if possibly Single Stock Fund has caused a problem. We are researching and will let you know as soon as we know. Unit Purchases Spares TOW 2 Tripod M1121 HMMWV TOW 2 Launch Tube and MSR

13 82d Forward Repair Activity (FRA)
Collocated in 782d MSB Motor Pool/Shop Area Division Provides Facilities, Utilities, Arms Room, and Storage Shelters FRA Is 18’x30’, Air Conditioned, and Heated Secure Storage for Minimum of 6 TASs and 4 FCSs (103 Ft. Total) On Unit’s Load Plan

14 Fly-Away Package Bridge Between Peacetime and Contingency Operations
Project Manager Owned Spares At FRA Sized to Meet Contingency Operations Prepackaged, Ready for Deployment, on Unit’s Load Plan FRA Controls, Maintains, Preps for Deployment Allocated to Deploying Units IAW the Commander’s Guidance During N Hour Sequence 2 FAPs Deployed to OEF

15 Fixed Price - Performance Adjustment
Operational Readiness = Profit 85% 90% 95% 100% 80% Profit Plus Maximum Performance Adjustment + $ Profit Plus Minimum Performance Adjustment Minimum Profit Additional Metrics to Prevent “Gaming” Separate Metrics for Contingency Options – $

16 ITAS OR: 99%+ Since Fielding in 1998
Additional CLS Metrics ITAS OR: 99%+ Since Fielding in 1998 Additional Metrics Prevent “Gaming” 1 Battalion below 90% for 2 consecutive one month reporting periods = No Award Fee Any 1 System down more than 30 days = 50% of Award Fee MAXIMUM 3 Battalions less than 90% (during Award Fee period) = No Award Fee Division less 90% for a month = No award fee for that period and Kr increases spares by N where N is the number of unfilled requisitions that month Division less 90% two consecutive months = No award fee for that period and Kr spares increase by N2 + 1 where N2 is the number of unfilled requisitions during month 2

17 CLS 5 Year Contract Strategy
Fixed Price Portion of Contract $$$ $$$ Total Price per Year Price per System $ $ FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 Contract Price Price per System per Year Incentives: $$$$ Fixed Price Contract - Contractor Incentivized to Improve Quality, Efficiency, and Performance. Operate, Smarter, Better, Faster, and Cheaper. Result = Contractor Profit Performance Adjustment for Exceptional Effort Future (Potential) CLS Customers (IBCTs, USMC, FMS) 5 Year Effort Major Effort to Organize CLIN Structure to Track Color of Money

18 CLS MOAs With The 82d MOA Between 82d ABN, CCMS, and Raytheon; Subject: TOW ITAS Maintenance Policy and Procedures; Signed 22 MAR 99 by: 82d COS, DISCOM CDR, CCMS PM, and Raytheon Outlines Duties and Responsibilities for 82d FRA Provides Contractor Command and Control Details Describes What the Contractor Will Provide and What the 82d Will Provide Details the Requirements for Deployment of Contractor Personnel MOA Between 82d ABN and CCMS; Subject: TOW ITAS Policy and Procedures for Determining Readiness Information; Signed 7 MAY 99 by: 82d COS, DISCOM CDR, and CCMS PM Describes the Support Raytheon Furnishes to the 82d Describes How Downtime Is Determined Against the Contractor 82d Agrees to Provide OR Data to CCMS for Evaluating and Paying Contractor

19 100% OR Since February 2001, 99% Since FUE in September 1998
TOW ITAS CLS Results 100% OR Since February 2001, 99% Since FUE in September 1998 CLS Successful To-date 99% OR Rate (Contractor Performance) On TOW ITAS Items Contract Metrics Working Well FRA Deployed with 82d CLS Well Received by Units FSB / FRA at NTC Valuable Asset Deployed to OPN Enduring Freedom Bottom Line It Works Well!

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