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What are some of Georgia’s landforms?

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Presentation on theme: "What are some of Georgia’s landforms?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are some of Georgia’s landforms?

2 All the kinds of landforms in a certain area.
topography All the kinds of landforms in a certain area.

3 Topography of Tate, GA

4 Why are these two mountain ranges so different?
Appalachian Mountains are lower and more rounded Rocky Mountains form tall jagged peaks

5 Why are the Appalachian Mountains more rounded than the Rockies?
Because they are older and have been worn away by wind and rain

6 Similar landforms, different topographies
Volcanoes usually occur as individual mountains Mountains occur in groups called ranges

7 Sand dunes, sand spits, and sand bars

8 How are sand dunes formed? What makes them different from hills?
  - They are made and shaped by the wind.   - A sand dune can move as much as 100 ft. in a year, whereas hills are shaped more slowly.

9 Barrier islands

10 Mesas

11 Canyons

12 How was the Grand Canyon formed?
- By the Colorado River cutting deeper and wider over   thousands of years.

13 Georgia’s four geologic regions

14 Valley and Ridge

15 Blue Ridge

16 Piedmont

17 Coastal Plain

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