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Trashsket Ball Un Repaso del Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Trashsket Ball Un Repaso del Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trashsket Ball Un Repaso del Final

2 Captains Players You have been given a colored ticket. Move to your designated area. The number on your card will determine the order you choose your players. **Choose quickly or a player will be chosen for you!!! Prepare for the draft: Move to the center of the room and wait to be drafted.

3 Las Reglas – The Rules The class is split into 5 teams.
Each team will have a turn. A different player for the team will answer each time. Correct answers are 50 points. Correct answers will result in an shot for extra points. Points are in increments of 100 depending on the distance. Incorrect answers will result in a steal by the other teams. If more than one team answers correctly the points are divided between the winners. There are markers on the floor to show point values of different places to shoot from. The winning team will receive bonus points on their final. To replace this picture, just select and delete it. Then use the Insert Picture icon to replace it with one of your own!


5 Say the following letter sequence correctly in Spanish: M, LL, O, S, P
M em-ay LL ay-yay O oh S S-ay P pay

6 K cah Ch chay J hota A ah I E W doh-blay-bay
Say the following letter sequence correctly in Spanish: K, CH, J, A, I, W K cah Ch chay J hota A ah I E W doh-blay-bay

7 Say the following letter sequence correctly in Spanish: Ñ, Q, Z, V, U
Ñ N-yay Q coo Z say-tah V bay U oo

8 Say the following letter sequence correctly in Spanish: R, B, D, E, H
R air-ay B bay D day E ay H ah-chay

9 Choose the correct form of ser: Yo ______ morena.

10 Choose the correct form of ser: Stefan________ alto y rubio.

11 Choose the correct form of ser: Yo ______ de la capital, Panamá.

12 Choose the correct form of ser: Mi amigo Stefan y yo ____________ de Panamá.

13 Choose the correct form of tener
Choose the correct form of tener : Mi madre ____________ treinta y ocho años. tiene

14 Choose the correct form of tener : Tú ____________ dieciséis años.

15 Choose the correct form of tener : Yo ____________ quince años.

16 Choose the correct form of tener
Choose the correct form of tener : Mi amigo, Stefan y yo _____________ dieciocho años. tenemos

17 Choose the correct form of tener
Choose the correct form of tener : Mi abuela _____________ setenta y siete años. tiene

18 Choose the opposite meaning: - ¿Cómo es tu hermano. ¿Él es. bajo
Choose the opposite meaning: - ¿Cómo es tu hermano? ¿Él es bajo? No, él no es bajo, es ________. alto

19 Choose the opposite meaning: Mi gato no es feo (ugly). Es __________.

20 Choose the answer that best completes the sentences
Choose the answer that best completes the sentences. Los señores Cruz ____________ cuatro hijos. tienen

21 Choose the answer that best completes the sentences
Choose the answer that best completes the sentences. –Susana, ¿cómo _______ llama tu hermano? Mi hermano se llama Eduardo. se

22 Match the description to the room that it best describes
Match the description to the room that it best describes. Hay un sofá, una mesita, y una alfombra en ___________. la sala

23 Match the description to the room that it best describes
Match the description to the room that it best describes. Hay una bañera, un espejo, una ducha y un lavabo en ________________. el baño

24 Match the description to the room that it best describes
Match the description to the room that it best describes. Hay una estufa, un lavabo, y una refrigeradora en _____________. la cocina

25 Match the description to the room that it best describes
Match the description to the room that it best describes. Hay una cama, dos lámparas, y despertador en _________. el dormitorio

26 Match the description to the room that it best describes
Match the description to the room that it best describes. Hay una mesa, 6 sillas, y comida en ______________. el comedor

27 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. Alberto necesita ________ para su clase de matemáticas. una calculadora

28 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. Elisa siempre llega _________ a la clase de música. tarde

29 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. Necesito un diccionario para la clase de ______. español or ingles

30 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. Yo _________ mucho para la clase de historia. estudio

31 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. Teresa y Diana ________ música todos los días. escuchan


33 Tally your scores and report to Ms. Davis
End of the Half Tally your scores and report to Ms. Davis


35 A las dos menos cinco tengo la clase de _________.
educación física La hora Clase 8:30 – 10:10 matemáticas 10:15 – 11:45 español 11:50 – 1:50 literatura 12:30 – 1:00 el almuerzo 1:55 – 3:30 educación física

36 En la ______________ hora tengo la clase de español.
segunda La hora Clase 8:30 – 10:10 matemáticas 10:15 – 11:45 español 11:50 – 1:50 literatura 12:30 – 1:00 el almuerzo 1:55 – 3:30 educación física

37 A las __________ como el almuerzo.
doce y media La hora Clase 8:30 – 10:10 matemáticas 10:15 – 11:45 español 11:50 – 1:50 literatura 12:30 – 1:00 el almuerzo 1:55 – 3:30 educación física

38 En la ____________ hora tengo la clase de literatura.
tercera La hora Clase 8:30 – 10:10 matemáticas 10:15 – 11:45 español 11:50 – 1:50 literatura 12:30 – 1:00 el almuerzo 1:55 – 3:30 educación física

39 La segunda hora tengo la clase de ______________.
español La hora Clase 8:30 – 10:10 matemáticas 10:15 – 11:45 español 11:50 – 1:50 literatura 12:30 – 1:00 el almuerzo 1:55 – 3:30 educación física

40 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. ¿Qué te gusta _________? hacer

41 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. ____ gusta mucho practicar deportes. me

42 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. No, __________ me gusta nada jugar video juegos. no

43 Choose the answer that best completes each item
Choose the answer that best completes each item. No me gusta nadar _________. tampoco

44 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word miércoles

45 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word Friday

46 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word martes

47 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word jueves

48 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word Sunday

49 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word Monday

50 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word primavera

51 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word invierno

52 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word or phrase. It’s hot.
Hace calor.

53 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word otoño

54 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word summer

55 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word head

56 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word piernas

57 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word eyes

58 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word mouth

59 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word pies

60 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word ears

61 Give the correct English/Spanish vocabulary word hombros

62 ¿Cómo se dice 37 en español?
treinta y siete

63 What is the opposite of grande?

64 ¿Cómo se dice hace viento en inglés?
It’s windy.


66 Tally your scores and report to Ms. Davis
End of the Game Tally your scores and report to Ms. Davis

67 Yo vivo en una case grande con cuatro dormitorios y tres baños
Yo vivo en una case grande con cuatro dormitorios y tres baños. La sala está al lado de mi dormitorio. I live in a large house with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The living room is next to/ beside my bedroom.

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