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Aim: How Did Otto Von Bismarck Unite Germany?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How Did Otto Von Bismarck Unite Germany?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How Did Otto Von Bismarck Unite Germany?
German Unification


3 I. Bismarck Unites Germany
Otto Von Bismarck Used policy of “BLOOD AND IRON” to unite German states under Prussian Rule Realpolitik Realistic politics aimed at practical outcomes Army Increased $$$ for military Fought Wars for Power 1864 Alliance with Austria



6 II. Wars for Power Austro-Prussian War (1866)
Took over land in Northern Germany Franco-Prussian War (1870) Bismarck relied on German nationalism

7 Austro-Prussian War

8 Franco Prussian War



11 III. German Empire Kaiser Wilhelm I 1871 Second Reich (Empire)
2 House Legislature Bundesrat (Upper) Reichstag (Lower)


13 IV. German Economy Improved Industry Economic Strengths
Iron and Coal Resources Disciplined and Educated Workforce Large Population Scientific Development Railroad Development Standardized Currency Synthetic Chemicals, Optics and Steel

14 V. The Iron Chancellor Goals Enemies
Build Links with Austria and Russia Keep France Weak Enemies Catholic Church Socialists (What is Socialism?)


16 Bismarck vs. the Catholic Church
Catholics 1/3 of German Population KULTURKAMPF – “Battle for Civilization” Put the State (Country) First not God Government Appoints Clergy and Supervise Schools Bismarck vs. the Socialists German Marxists – Social Democratic Party Tried to Dissolve Groups End Result Both Backfired  Led to Social Reform and Laws to Protect Workers


18 VI. Kaiser Wilhelm II - 1888 Asked Bismarck to Resign
Created Social Welfare Programs Focused on Nationalism and Military Might

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