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Interactions among Living Things

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1 Interactions among Living Things

2 Natural Selection Definition: A process in which a species becomes better suited to its environment Example: Giraffe’s long neck helps it to eat leaves from tall trees. The ones with long necks survive better than ones with short necks and therefore reproduces more offspring with the long neck trait. My example:

3 Adaptation Definition: A behavior or physical characteristic that helps an organism live successfully in its environment. Example: The thorns on a rose plant keep herbivores away. My example:

4 Niche Definition: The role of an organism in its habitat, or how it makes its living. Question: What is the niche of the rattlesnake?

5 A rattlesnake lives on the ground where it preys on small animals, uses oxygen, releases carbon dioxide, and is prey for the hawk.

6 Niche (p.411) My question: How is the roadrunner’s (non flying bird) niche different from the elf owl’s (flying bird)? How is the roadrunner’s niche similar to the elf owl’s?

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