Chapter 18 Conservation of Biodiversity

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1 Chapter 18 Conservation of Biodiversity

2 The 6th Mass Extinction Scientists estimate that world is losing approximately 50,000 species per year. HAPPENING OVER A SHORT TIME PERIOD! Anthropogenic based!

3 Reduction in Genetic Diversity
Inbreeding occurs when individuals with similar genotypes, generally relatives, breed with each other. Results in Inbreeding depression: offspring produced are less “FIT” Ex: Florida Panther/ Mountain lion

4 Categories of Endangerment
Extinct- no known species exist today Endangered- at serious risk of extinction Threatened- species with a high risk of extinction in the future Red List:

5 Causes for declining Biodiversity- HIPCO
H- Habitat Loss I- Invasive Species P- Pollution C- Climate Change O- Overharvested

6 Pay Attention to group that has the largest %
1/3 of all reptiles, fish, and invertebrates face possible extinction. ¼ plants are threatened

7 Endangered Species in SC
Carolina heelsplitter Frosted Flatwoods Salamander Gopher Tortoise Bunched Arrowhead

8 Invasive Species Invasive species- alien species spread rapidly across large areas. Accidently or intentionally introduced. - Economic or Environmental Harm- no predators in the introduced area Ex- Kudzu Vine, Zebra Mussel, Asian Silver Carp

9 Asian Carp (Silver and Big Head)

10 Burmese Pythons

11 Conservation Laws Lacey act 1900
One of the earliest laws in the U.S. to control the trade of wildlife. Prohibited the transport of illegally harvested game animals, primarily birds and mammals, across state lines.

12 Conservation Laws Marine Mammal Protection Act
Endangered Species Act- 201 Invertebrates, 381 vertebrates, and 795 plants listed as threatened or endangered. CITES- Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species- International treaty

13 Red List A list of threatened species
Each country has its own way to monitor and regulate the import and export of animals on the list. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service monitors. U.S.: wild cacti for desert lawns.

14 Genetic Diversity of Livestock
There has been focus by farmers on productive breeds- RESULTING in lower genetic variation.

15 Genetic Diversity of Plants
Loss of plant diversity because we have focused on growing a few varieties. Seed diversity- seed banks – store variety of crop seeds to try to preserve some genetic diversity of seeds across the globe.

16 DO THE MATH If the average home today uses lumber from 50 trees. If homes could be built half the size, and there are 400,000 new homes built annually, how many trees could be saved? 50 x 400,000 = 20,000,000 trees 20,000,000 trees/2 = 10, 000,000 trees saved

17 Habitat Loss For most species the greatest cause of decline and extinction is habitat loss. Most habitat loss is due to human development


19 Wild Hogs

20 Pollution Threats to biodiversity can come from toxic contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, acids, and oil spills.

21 Overharvesting When individuals of a species are removed at a rate faster than the population can replace them. Ex- dodo bird, American bison, passenger pigeon.

22 Theory of Island Biogeography Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson
Compares size of islands and distance between islands to species diversity. Larger islands – more species- support larger number of individuals of a – less susceptible to EXTINCTION.

23 SLOSS (Single large Or Several Small)
Apply theory of island of biogeography to create protected areas. Single large area (CENTRAL PARK NYC) or many small areas???? Debate continues. Edge Habitat- areas where natural habitats meet human habitats.

24 Biosphere Reserves Protected areas consisting of zones that vary in the amount of permissible human impact.

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