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Industry introduction

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1 Industry introduction
Learning objective: students are able to recall a clear understanding of regulation and newspaper industries

2 Task 1 So far you should have some information on who Ofcom are from last lesson. They are regulators within the media industry. I would like you to look at the BBFC official website and the IPSO official website and make notes on the following: Aspects to cover: Role and purpose – who are they and what do they do? For what media product? Legal Powers – what do they cover legally and what can happen in terms of legal issues. For example : A £100 fine for not following a guideline. Media aspects covered and how. How they impact on the production of a media product.

3 This video can help you shape your answer
Task 2 Write up an answer to the following. ( words) Having explored three media regulators, why do you think they are important in the media world? We’ll discuss your thoughts in our next lesson together. This video can help you shape your answer

4 Task 3 Download the worksheet on the website : Newspaper in more detail Research and fill each box with as much information on each event. These events are important moments in newspaper history and why the papers we read today are presented in such a way. Finally, click on the link on the bottom of the worksheet and read the article making notes. (You should cover at least 6 bullet points from this article)

5 Millenials and Boomers with the news
List the ways you experience or interact with the news. When does it happen? How does it happen? Example: use BBC app or Twitter twice a day to see what’s trending or important.

6 Stretch and challenge audience-engagement.html reads-the-newspapers.html tabloid-vs-broadsheet.html Take part in these two interactive lessons – click on all available links (including “i” for more information.) Make notes as you take part to add to your revision blog.

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