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13 Exponents and Polynomials.

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1 13 Exponents and Polynomials

2 13.4 Special Products Objectives 1. Square binomials. 2. Find the product of the sum and difference of two terms. 3. Find greater powers of binomials.

3 Square Binomials Square of a Binomial The square of a binomial is a trinomial consisting of the square of the first term, plus twice the product of the two terms, plus the square of the last term of the binomial. For a and b, (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2. Also, (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2.

4 Square Binomials Example 2 Square each binomial. (a) (4x + 5)2
= (4x)2 + 2(4x)(5) + 52 = 16x2 + 40x + 25 a b a2 a b b2 (b) (6x – 2y)2 = (6x)2 – 2(6x)(2y) + (2y)2 = 36x2 – 24xy + 4y2 4

5 Squaring Binomials CAUTION
A common error when squaring a binomial is to forget the middle term of the product. In general, 5

6 Find the Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Terms
(a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2 Note The expressions a + b and a – b, the sum and difference of the same two terms, are called conjugates. In the example above, x + 2 and x – 2 are conjugates.

7 Find the Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Terms
Example 4 Find each product. (a) (3m + 8n)(3m – 8n) = (3m)2 – (8n)2 = 9m2 – 64n2 (b) 2p(5p + 1)(5p – 1) = 2p[(5p)2 – (1)2] = 2p(25p2 – 1) = 50p3 – 2p 7

8 Find Greater Powers of Binomials
Example 5 Find each product. (a) (7 – 4s)3 = (7 – 4s)(7 – 4s)2 = (7 – 4s)[72 – 2(7)(4s) + (4s)2] = (7 – 4s)(49 – 56s + 16s2) = 343 – 392s + 112s2 – 196s + 224s2 – 64s3 = 343 – 588s + 336s2 – 64s3

9 Find Greater Powers of Binomials
Example 5 (concluded) Find each product. (b) (2t + 3v)4 = (2t + 3v)2(2t + 3v)2 = [(2t)2 + 2(2t)(3v) + (3v)2][(2t)2 + 2(2t)(3v) + (3v)2] = (4t2 + 12tv + 9v2)(4t2 + 12tv + 9v2) = 16t4 + 48t3v + 36t2v2 + 48t3v + 144t2v tv3 + 36t2v tv3 + 81v4 = 16t4 + 96t3v + 216t2v tv3 + 81v4

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