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Texas Declares Independence

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1 Texas Declares Independence
While the Texians fought at the Alamo… Delegates met on March 1, 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos They voted unanimously to declare Independence on March 2nd, 1836. They based it heavily on the U.S. Declaration. Replica of building at Washington-on-the-Brazos 1

2 Texas Declaration of Independence
The document:Written by George C. Childress Listed complaints against Santa Anna and Mexico Stated Texans were denied rights contained in Constitution of 1824 Declared Texas an independent country The Texas Declaration of Independence 2

3 Why didn’t Sam Houston save the Alamo?
Houston was on his way to Washington-on-the-Brazos when he found out about the siege of the Alamo. At that time he had no soldiers to command. He insisted that Texas declare independence before he left to join volunteers gathering in Gonzales. Once they did he left and arrived at Gonzales on March 11th , too late to save the Alamo. Plus a little over 100 Texians troops were at Gonzales, far too few to fight Santa Anna’s army.

4 Goliad Massacre

5 Why didn’t Fannin help the Alamo?
James Fannin at Goliad tried to march his men to the Alamo on Feb 28th. But bad luck would force him to turn back. Fannin was in charge of 400 men but they were mostly volunteers and he could not control them. So when problems sprung up on his march to the Alamo, lack of food and his wagons breaking down, he could not keep his troops moving and let them convince him to turn around.

6 So Fannin turned back to Goliad to defend it
So Fannin turned back to Goliad to defend it. A few days later he had problems of his own. On March 2nd he learned of the Mexican Army led by General Urrea was heading his way. Urrea was closing in on a small Texian settlement to the south of Goliad named Refugio.

7 Fannin sent 130 men to evacuate the citizens.
Battle of Refugio Fannin sent 130 men to evacuate the citizens. They are either killed or captured in the “Battle of Refugio”

8 Houston orders Fannin to leave Goliad
Houston did not want Fannin’s troops killed in another Alamo type battle so he ordered Fannin to join him in Victoria. ARMY ORDER  Headquarters, Gonzales, March 11, 1836   To Col. J. W. Fannin, Commanding at Goliad  Sir: You will as soon as practicable on receipt of this order, fall back upon Guadalupe Victoria with your command and such artillery as can be brought with expedition. The remainder will be sunk in the river. You will take the necessary measures for the defense of Victoria, and forward one-third of your effective men to this point, and remain in command until further orders. Every facility is to be afforded to women and children who may be desirous of leaving that place. Previous to abandoning Goliad, you will take the necessary measures to blow up that fortress, and do so before leaving its vicinity. The immediate advance of the enemy may be constantly expected, as well as a rise of water. Prompt movements are therefore highly important. SAM HOUSTON Commander of the Army

9 Fannin took his time leaving Goliad and by the time he did leave on March 19th, 8 days after being told to do so, the Mexican cavalry was already near by with the rest of the Mexican army closing in. Fannin also ignored Houston’s orders to leave or get rid of his cannons and brought them with him which slowed the army tremendously.

10 Battle of Coleto Fannin reached a creek called Coleto but by that time the Mexican cavalry had closed in on them. Fannin formed his men up in a giant square and prepared for a fight.

11 The battle of Coleto lasted until after sunset on March 19
The battle of Coleto lasted until after sunset on March 19. The Texans fought off the Mexicans using their bayonets, muskets, and nine cannons and their square remained unbroken. The Texians lost seven men and sixty wounded (forty severely), Fannin among them.

12 After the sunset the fighting stopped but the Texians were still surrounded.
They had no water and to make matters worse the wounded could not be treated because if they lit a fire the Mexicans would shoot at them.

13 Surrender of the Texians
In the morning the Mexicans had the Texians surrounded with cannons. After a few shots into the Texians lines, Fannin realized that he had to surrender.

14 The Texians surrendered and Urrea and the Mexican army marched them back to Goliad.

15 The Texians were held for a week.
To URREA. 26 Mar From the Commandant at Goliad to General Urrea. In compliance with the definitive orders of his Excellency the general-in-chief, which I received direct, at four o'clock tomorrow morning the prisoners sent by you to this fortress will be shot.

16 The Goliad Massacre On March 27th the Texians were marched out of Goliad in three large groups and shot. 342 of the Texians were executed at Goliad on March 27, 1836. Only twenty-eight escaped the firing squads, and twenty more were spared by Francisca Alavez, the wife of a Mexican army officer who thought the executions were wrong. She convinced her husband to spare the Texians and became known as the “Angel of Goliad.”


18 Monument to the Texians killed at Goliad

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