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Follow-up duration (month)

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1 Follow-up duration (month)
Supplemental Table 2. Clinical data of all patients with IgG4-ROD Case Age (y) Sex Serum IgG4 (pg/ml) Lesions IgH rearrangement Follow-up duration (month) ophthalmic organs other organs (Southern blot) 1 66 F 1,440 Bilateral LG CLN, pancreas - 71 2 75 202 56 3 67 862 CLN 10 4 27 M 1,110 54 5 52 826 87 6 77 224 CLN,lung 47 7 626 8 37 295 44 9 256 42 228 33 11 70 143 28 12 80 1,920 24 13 73 1,560 CLN, lung, pituitary gland 26 14 74 871 Bilateral eyelid and extraocular muscles 23 15 36 876 30 16 43 244 17 300 18 62 811 19 374 unilateral orbital mass 20 238 21 427 31 22 61 172 535 IgG4-ROD = immunoglobin G4-related ophthalmic disease; M = male; F = female; LG = lacrimal gland; NA = not available; CLN = cervical lymphnode. Supplementary Table 2

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