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Early mentor meetings: Suggestions

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1 Early mentor meetings: Suggestions
Thursday, 20 September 2018 jonathan peel sgs 2008

2 Let’s play a game: Think back to day 1 for you…
What were your fears or dreams for your new career? List them. Think again. Have they come true? Have they altered? Has your perspective changed over the years? Let’s share a few of our thoughts. jonathan peel sgs 2008

3 I’ll go first: On arrival at SGS- fear and sense of inadequacy. I had sung all over the world, stood alone on huge stages in front of huge audiences yet the staff room terrified me – aware of my inadequacies. Aware of my incompetence as a user of ICT – self taught internet and use would not be enough… Afraid that I would not have enough subject knowledge, let alone be able to teach. jonathan peel sgs 2008

4 I’m scared… It is rare to find a trainee who is not, at the very least, apprehensive in the earliest days of placement. As a mentor you need to address this in order to help them to settle into the new environment swiftly. Consider what your fears were when you started. Keep your list and discuss it with your mentee… jonathan peel sgs 2008

5 A wide range: Mentees’ responses to this question cover a wide range:
How does photocopying work? Who do I tell if I am unwell? Am I appropriately dressed? What if the pupils throw things at me? DO I tell them I am a trainee? What if they don’t do what I ask? Where are the staff toilets? Where do I put my stuff? jonathan peel sgs 2008

6 The list goes on… We need to help the trainees to settle in. Try to pre-empt the questions and to respond as carefully as time allows. Since the early days are the only ones with any slack in the timetable (for them if not for you), use them well: jonathan peel sgs 2008

7 May I suggest: A tour of the campus, preferably when there are few children present. Use the time to discuss some of the areas of concern that they express. A deliberate introduction of the trainee to the faculty and to colleagues in the staff room. Locate a working area in the staff rooms where they can put their belongings and begin to feel at home. jonathan peel sgs 2008

8 Direct training You will need to note the concerns for training sessions. Use the early sessions to help with trainee uncertainty rather than for trying to overload them with paedagogy or mark schemes. As the trainee develops, remember to encourage them to experiment as appropriate with their teaching: if it does not work, the important thing is to work out why, not to view the process as a huge failure. How many perfect lessons do you teach each week? jonathan peel sgs 2008

9 “The uncertain mentor”
You will be asked questions you find hard to answer. It is hard to explain a system of classroom management which just “works” and has done so for several years. Begin to use your training hour and the reflective journal/blog as an opportunity to discuss your approach. There is no simple answer to most classroom related questions. What is vital is that communication is frank and regular and that experience is shared rather than imposed. jonathan peel sgs 2008

10 A problem shared… Try to see the reflective journal regularly. It is imperative that the trainee keeps it up to date but also that you can respond to any points raised. Remember that training is a two way process. Your mentee may well bring new ideas into the classroom. Do not be closed to the process. If you have problems, bring them to the Senior Mentor before they fester. This is a job of great responsibility and no little drain on your time and energy. You are not benefitting financially or temporally – do not suffer in silence! jonathan peel sgs 2008

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