Practice Acquisition & Start-up Financing

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Acquisition & Start-up Financing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Acquisition & Start-up Financing
Dr. Tony Kremer, DVM

2 KVS Hospitals Animal Care Center of Plainfield
CARE Animal Emergency Services Mallard Point Veterinary Clinic Oswego Animal Hospital Hinsdale Animal Hospital Animal Medical Center Animal Care Center of Shorewood Animal Care Center of Downers Grove Animal Care Center of Polaris Old Town Animal Care Center

3 Animal Care Center of Plainfield

4 Mallard Point Veterinary Clinic

5 Oswego Animal Hospital

6 Animal Care Center of Polaris

7 Animal Care Center of Shorewood

8 Old Town Animal Care Center

9 Animal Care Center of Downers Grove

10 Hinsdale Animal Hospital

Full medical & advanced surgery Boarding Grooming Doggie Day Care Obedience Training Adoptions Live-in externship program OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WALK-INS WELCOME

12 Why are you interested in this topic?
Forward thinking How do I afford a practice/hospital? State of the profession Who owns most of the veterinary practices today? (Corporate/55+ older veterinarians) Consolidation What room is there for future private practices?

13 How did I get started/become a practice owner?
Worked for a vet multiple practices Had a great mentor Proved my work ethic/motivation/enthusiasm Practice owner financed the sale & made me a part owner

14 PROS & CONS of Ownership
Increased income Debt in practice & real estate Pay off student loans Huge financial risk Rental property income Great responsibility Independence Work hours Satisfaction of building something larger than yourself Employee issues (hiring/firing/drama) Lifestyle Patient responsibility Repairs & maintenance Client issues/social media Insurance & understanding Payroll

15 KVS Hospitals Animal Care Center of Plainfield
CARE Animal Emergency Services Mallard Point Veterinary Clinic Oswego Animal Hospital Hinsdale Animal Hospital Animal Medical Center Animal Care Center of Shorewood Animal Care Center of Downers Grove Animal Care Center of Polaris Old Town Animal Care Center

16 Acquiring a Practice Start-up practice Acquiring an existing practice
Partial Practice/Partnership Existing track record, back office, owner financing & shared responsibility

17 Finding the Right Location or Practice
Traffic counts Population Competition Median income

18 Other Issues Why is the practice for sale? Desperation or profit?
What is included in the sale? Practice, real estate, equipment, employees, goodwill?

19 Other Issues Cont. Contracts: Vendors Inside/Outside lab
Facility leases Equipment leases Employee contracts

20 Financing Bank Relationship/Collateral The Price
Formal/informal valuation (Vet specific CPA/attorney?) Formulas (+/-1X gross income, 5-14X profits, multiple of EBITDA) Value is all about profits – run your practice like you want to sell it in 6 months

21 What is EBITDA? Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation

22 Any Questions?

23 Contact Information (815) Mentorship, externships & tours! KREMER Veterinary Services

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