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SELPA Governance State SELPA New Directors’ Sacramento October 5, 2016

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1 SELPA Governance State SELPA New Directors’ Sacramento October 5, 2016
Pamela Ptacek Blatt

2 SELPA Structure in California
36 single district SELPAs 2 Charter SELPAs

3 Multi-District SELPAs
Multi- District SELPAs range from 2 districts to over 40 districts. Each Multi- District SELPA must designate an LEA as the Administrative Unit (AU)also known as the Responsible Local Agency, which serves as the legal entity that receives funds. In most cases the county office is the AU and in some cases a school district serves as the AU.

4 Multi-District SELPAs Governance Structure
In multi-district SELPAs the staff answer to the SELPA Governing Board which could be comprised of representatives (usually superintendents) from the member districts. In multi-district SELPAs where there are a large number of districts the SELPA may be divided up into regions where there is a representative from each region. Some multi-district SELPAs have formed a Joint Powers Agency (JPA).

5 Types of Multi-District SELPAs
Multi-District/County Office SELPAs Multi-District SELPAs Multi-District/Multi-County SELPAs County SELPAs with Joint Power Agreements (JPA) Charter only SELPAs

6 SELPA Director In Multi-District SELPAs the SELPA Director usually answers to the SELPA Governance Council and is evaluated by the Governance Council. In single district SELPAs the SELPA Director is usually evaluated by the district superintendent or his/her designee.

7 Local Plan In Multi- District SELPAs any changes to the Local Plan must be approved by all the LEA Governing Boards. In Single District SELPAs the District Governing Board must approve the Local Plan.

8 Working Effectively with Your Governing Board
In Multi-District SELPAs the Governing Board is made up of representatives from LEAs or Regions. In Single District SELPAs the district Board of Education is the SELPA Governance entity.

9 SELPA Orientation for New SELPA Governing Board Member or School Board Member
Provide an overview of: What is a SELPA SELPA Structure in California SELPA Governance Structure SELPA Local Plan and SELPA Member LEAs SELPA Allocation Plan or Special Education Budget SELPA MOUs SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

10 Multi-District SELPAs that Have Regional or Other Type of Representation on Governance Council
If your SELPA does not have a representative from each LEA on the Governance Council make sure to let the new members know that they are representing other LEAs as well as their LEA. Therefore all LEAs need to know who their representative is on the Governance Council so that they can communicate their LEA needs.

11 Preparing for SELPA Governance Meetings
Prepare a Draft Agenda and Meet with Board Chair or LEA Designee All SELPA Governing Board Meetings are Public Meetings and are therefore subject to the Brown Act. The Agendas must be structured so that there is a time for public input.

12 Keep It Short and Simple
Be concise in your verbal and written communication with the Board. Remember most Governing Board members do not have a special education background so keep your communication simple, but complete. Spell out acronyms and explain issues clearly.

13 Provide an Executive Summary with you Board Agenda
An Executive Summary provides some background on agenda items and recommendations for action. Board members want to get the job done with efficiency. Do extra homework and come up with proposed solutions and/or recommendations.

14 Board Agenda Organize the Agenda so that it is clear what needs to happen. Information Items Discussion Items Action Items

15 Dealing with Difficult Issues
There is bound to be conflict in some meetings where not all members will agree on an issue. This is more common in Multi-District SELPAs. What happens when there are “winners” and “losers” such as a change in a funding allocation or a policy?

16 Multi-District SELPAs Governance Council Members Need to Know That:
All fiscal and program policies should focus on the welfare of all students in the SELPA. Example: A small district impaction policy may take some money off the top impacting all districts, but small districts may need some help when students with intensive needs move into their district.

17 Facilitated Board Meetings
Sometimes there may need to be an outside facilitator to help run a difficult meeting.

18 Make Sure to Keep Your Governing Board Members in the Loop
Make sure to be up front with you Governance Council. Don’t keep them in the dark about a difficult issue. Meet with your Board Chair or Designee and discuss the issue.

19 “Toot Your Own Horn” Let your Governance Council know about your accomplishments and activities. Do this on a regular basis by Newsletters, Web Updates, or Board Agenda Updates.

20 Collaborating with Other SELPAs
Single district SELPAs should collaborate with other single district SELPAs. Multi-district SELPAs within the same county should collaborate around MOUs with other agencies and Master Contract and Rates with NPS/NPA. SELPAs in the Regional Center area should collaborate on regional center issues.

21 State SELPA Attending State SELPA Meetings is the BEST way to collaborate with all the SELPAs in the State.


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