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Triggers, Services, Statistics

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1 Triggers, Services, Statistics
NDLA Sept. 22, 2006

2 Bibliographic Direct in GUI

3 Validation errors Most of these will become a trigger unless you clear them out They match until you save to server and click “Override” The triggers remain, but the messages that are not “headings” no longer display

4 Validation helps to find errors
sometimes messages display because authority records don’t cover every way subjects and subdivisions can be put together according to SCM: Subject Headings sometimes we just don’t have authority records for every person and corporate body in our bib records sometimes it means you have a wrong heading or the heading is put together in the wrong order

5 Examples “nnn” is a new heading in the SUB list, means this heading is new in the ODN01 headings list “nnn” is a new heading in the XYZ list, means that heading with that subdivision does not exist in the headings list for ODN01 “nnn” is a new heading, and is not in authority database, means the whole heading is not in the ODN10,11, or 12 database.

6 This record shows issues with headings you may need to address
This record shows issues with headings you may need to address. The default for records that have been cataloged is CAT. If after adding the record to the server, you do not “Remove record’s triggers” they will be in this list with every other library’s triggers – not very useful.

7 The messages here are checking for duplicates but will not generate triggers.

8 The messages do not have “headings” so nothing is moved into the record’s triggers

9 If you want to create and view this in the GUI client, pick either OCD or CCT. CAT is all records. You can use CAT if you are going to run the service. There is no point trying to use ACQ, SER, or ILL in the Cataloging module.

10 To view a note type, click the dropdown for Department.

11 You can enter a range of days, but it is still so huge it is not of much use. If we all cleared our triggers, it would be cleaner, but I believe with a loader running this will happen automatically and we’d have no control – check

12 If you click “New” you can create a note to yourself.

13 You can mark a heading to check on and go back and fix bib later, if needed. In the meantime the record can be updated.

14 Delete the other lines leaving your questions.

15 Check_doc_tag_text – we can edit – for WG discussion

16 Bibliographic Using a service and reports

17 You can run a service. You may not want to address the problems per record, but rather get a list to work on later.

18 Enter dates, Sort (trigger date, Department, Cataloger) and then Department

19 This example is by Department


21 This example is for original cataloging

22 Sometimes you can’t run this the same day you created the trigger.

23 Items Create in Circulation or in Cataloging

24 This list can be edited in pc_tab_expand_field
This list can be edited in pc_tab_expand_field. Selected an item, highlight “trigger list”, then clicked “new”

25 New text display in top pane.

26 Acquisitions/Serials
Budgets Orders Serials

27 Set trigger and action date manually in log
Acquisitions Set trigger and action date manually in log

28 Budget triggers will list those made elsewhere, but there is no trigger for budgets per se.

29 In the Order node, you can add a trigger about the order.

30 In the Serials Node, you can add a trigger.

31 If renewal dates, claim dates etc
If renewal dates, claim dates etc. are impossible due to irregularity of the publication, you can use a trigger. Plan to use a specific date or the 1st of a month for your triggers. Plan a date, e.g. 2nd day of each month, to print the trigger reports from 2nd day of previous month to 1st of this month.

32 Run service, enter dates, choose sort, and choose department

33 Ignore the note that looks like an error. Click ok

34 Service report. If you pick cataloger for someone who does various tasks, you will get all tasks for them to work on.

35 Other services You can use: services “print” buttons
F11 for anything with lines Ctnrl-p for anything with no lines Move data into Excel Move data into Access (not bib records)

36 New Completed Monographs
Item-07 report is used to list completed orders or new titles added It is huge, so you must pick short date ranges This is a procedure for creating an inventory list to document all items which have arrived within a defined period, usually one year. Order information, invoice information and inventory information is brought together in one place. Thus, the inventory list serves as proof of holdings of a title.

37 Items in Cat or Circ, select item-07

38 Run only small ranges of dates. Pick what you want to print.

39 When you get the report, you can print it
When you get the report, you can print it. You can also move it to Excel. Right click, Select All.

40 Right click copy.

41 Paste into new Excel document
Paste into new Excel document. You can sort, search, print, save in a different folder on your PC, , create new book list, etc.

42 Serials checked in Serial-16
This service retrieves serial titles for which issues have arrived in the specified time span. The report includes the serial titles and the number of issues that have arrived. You will see differences in results with this and serial-06 and serial-09

43 Serials checked in - 2 Serial-06
This service creates a report listing the serial items that have arrived within the period that you define. Serial-09 This service produces a statistical report of the number of issues that have arrived within a specified range of dates. The results are grouped by sublibrary, and by collection (within a sublibrary). For each sublibrary, the total of arrivals is provided. In addition, there is a grand total of arrivals for all sublibraries.


45 Snippet of report. It lists each title and gives total at the end
Snippet of report. It lists each title and gives total at the end. You have a list of current titles and a total of items received.

46 Open service in Excel Services that create “blocked” reports work with “Select All/Copy” Those that are lists, e.g. cir31, don’t work that way.

47 Move the cir31 to your PC. You may rename it.

48 Go t a new Excel document, open you text file [Aleph-module-files-XXX50-print]. Click “Next”

49 The bars can moved, removed, added
The bars can moved, removed, added. If you don’t fix them you will not get the columns you want.

50 Paste into Excel. In this case I missed lining up the bars. Delete Col
Paste into Excel. In this case I missed lining up the bars. Delete Col. C using the menu bar [highlight the column – Edit – Delete]

51 Under Data in the Menu bar you can sort or subtotal

52 Top of page

53 End with totals

54 Using CCL With re-indexed OPAC both Web OPAC Expert search and GUI CCL search will be more powerful tab00-ForCCL.htm Codes and Names for Common Command Language (CCL) Queries

55 CCL-2 TabTypeConfig-for-CCL.htm Codes and Names for Common Command Language (CCL) Queries The Tab00 and TabTypeConfig values can be mixed

56 CCL Examples (WGP=f AND WCN=Census and WTC=JR)
(WTC=AC and WSU=("psychological fiction")) (WSU=farms AND WSU=Norway OR WTI=Bygd? AND WLN=NOR AND WYR=(1900->2006))




60 CCL to make corrections
Test your query in the GUI CCL. Copy Go to services ret-03 and paste in the query. Using ret-03 puts a file name in the batch log. Or – you can save the results in the GUI, but you have to remember what you named the file – you won’t see it anywhere

61 Do a search in the GUI. Save the search
Do a search in the GUI. Save the search. Make sure you have a list of exactly everything you want to change. Write down the name of the file. You will not be able to search for it anywhere.

62 Using ret-03

63 CCL corrections Once you have your file, you can:
Use p_manage_21 if the same tag needs fixing (separate document) Use print_01 (tags w/sys#) or print_08 (col.) to create a list to work from

64 P_manage-21. This is used when exactly the same text in the group of records needs to be changed.

65 Working w/ CCL list Sort your list Use “Jump to” if helpful
Highlight groups of records and click “Catalog” to move the records into the edit window This method is used when the text you want to edit is not the same ina particular tag.

66 You can resort the list

67 Use Cntrl or Shift to highlight records you want to edit
Use Cntrl or Shift to highlight records you want to edit. Click “Catalog”

68 Be creative Processing status ML for missing-to-lost
Print format with “barcode” shows number of loans Helps librarians decide whether to replace

69 ML is the processing status for items patrons have lost.

70 With the barcode sort, we get title, call number and number of loans
With the barcode sort, we get title, call number and number of loans. We can resort by call number to check the stacks one more time, or have bibliographers check their areas to see if we should replace the title.

71 A list of our standing orders for Reference from an acq service

72 Material type from custom-02 – we are slowly changing online resources to new material types. If you do a report that is large, this can be opened in Excel and sorted however you wish.

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