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Chapter 4 – proteins, mutations & genetic disorders

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1 Chapter 4 – proteins, mutations & genetic disorders
Unit 1 – Human Cells

2 Protein Structure Proteins all contain 4 chemical elements:
- carbon (C) - oxygen(O) - hydrogen (H) - nitrogen (N) Proteins are made up of subunits called amino acids - approximately 20 different types Protein length is very variable

3 Polypeptides Amino acids join together
- with links called peptide bonds Chains of amino acids are called polypeptides During protein synthesis, amino acids are joined in a specific order This determines their ultimate structure and function

4 Protein bonding Several types of bonds link amino acids together
Hydrogen bonds: - form between amino acids - cause the protein chain to fold or coil Further linkages: - bridges between sulphur atoms - attractions between positive or negative atoms All bonds help form the overall 3-D structure - vital in determining it’s function

5 Final protein structure varies greatly
- depends on how polypeptide chains become arranged

6 Types of protein

7 Functions of protein Enzymes: - speed up biochemical reactions
- proteins are folded to expose an active site - this combines with a specific substrate Structural: - key component of cellular membranes - muscular contraction Hormones: - chemical messengers to certain target tissues E.g. insulin, ADH, growth hormone Antibodies: - defend the body against antigens Associations with other chemicals: - can form glycoproteins - haemoglobin

8 Mutation A change in the structure or composition of an organisms genome An individual with a mutation affecting their phenotype is called a mutant Mutations arise spontaneously, at random, and are rare Mutation rates can be increased by certain mutagenic agents E.g. mustard gas, radiation - these mutations are said to be induced

9 Mutations & Genetic Disorders
Mutations can alter genes or entire chromosomes Therefore, proteins produced don’t function correctly - or aren’t produced at all This is the cause of genetic disorders - many of which are disabling or even lethal

10 Single-gene mutation – Point mutation
A change in one nucleotide in the DNA of a single gene Three types: -substitution - deletion - insertion

11 Single-gene mutation – splice site
mRNA contains both coding and non-coding regions - non-coding regions (INTRONS) need to be removed - remaining coding regions (EXONS) are then joined together - this process is called splicing If mutation occurs at a splice site, introns may be retained in error

12 Single-gene mutation – nucleotide sequence repeat expansion
Insertion of copies of one triplet sequence - often the triplet can be repeated several hundred times

13 Impacts of mutation on protein structure
Missense: - a substitution causes a single codon to be changed - amino acid produced, but not the original one intended E.g. sickle-cell anaemia, PKU Nonsense: - after substitution, codon is changed to a stop codon - protein synthesis stops - polypeptide chain shorter than normal - unable to function E.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

14 Impacts of mutation on protein structure
Splice-site mutation: Retaining introns leads to an altered protein Protein won’t function properly E.g. beta thalassemia Frameshift: - follow insertion or deletion - all codons after mutation are shifted out of frame - protein usually non functional E.g. cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs Nucleotide sequence repeat expansion - defective protein has many repeats of an amino acid - sometimes protein not formed at all (silenced) E.g. Huntington’s, fragile X syndrome

15 Chromosome structure mutations
Caused by chromosomes breaking apart - forms “sticky” ends which can join other broken ends Deletion: - results in chromosome lacking genes - normally drastic effects E.g. Cri-du-chat syndrome Duplication: - when deleted segments of genes attach to a partner chromosome - a set of genes is therefore repeated E.g. common in some cancers

16 Chromosome structure mutations
Translocation: - section of chromosome breaking off and attaching to a non-matching partner 2 types: Non-reciprocal Reciprocal Common in cancers E.g. chronic myeloid leukaemia Or, can significantly alter phenotype E.g. Down’s Syndrome

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