The Fundamentals of Investing

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1 The Fundamentals of Investing


3 Do you know what will happen tomorrow?
Savings Savings - portion of income not spent on current expenses Do you know what will happen tomorrow? Money should be saved to pay for unexpected events or emergencies Because the future is unpredictable

4 Why is it important to save money?
1. Without savings, unexpected events can become large financial burdens 2. Helps people become financially secure

5 What are other reasons a person would want to save money?
Buy items that are too expensive to be purchased with monthly income Vacation Car Furniture What item would you like to save money to purchase?

6 How much money should a person save?
To be considered financially secure and have enough money for emergencies Recommended Amount Example At least six months worth of expenses A household that has $2,000 per month of expenses Should have at least $12,000 in savings $2,000 x 6 months Why would this amount of savings be recommended?

7 What are some ways to save
Vehicles for Savings Savings Account Money Market Accounts Certificates of Deposit

8 What accounts at depository institutions earn interest?
Savings Account Money Market Deposit Account Certificate of Deposit Definition Characteristics Holds money not spent on current expenses Pays a higher interest rate than a savings account Pays interest on a lump sum of money Money stored until needed Interest earning Minimum deposit often required Number of monthly withdrawals often limited Specific time requirements When time period is complete, money and interest earned can be withdrawn Higher interest rates for longer time periods


10 Investments Financial Plan Savings Investments Investments -assets purchased with the goal of providing additional income from the asset itself but with the risk of loss

11 All Investments Have Some Risk
Return Profit or income generated by saving and investing Trade off Higher returns Higher risk (chance of loss) Investment Risk Possibility that an investment will fail to pay the expected return Investments have the potential for higher returns

12 Investments Help Accomplish Long-Term Goals
Money invested is usually used to pay for long-term goals Buying a House Higher Education Retirement It is recommended that at least 10% of net income is dedicated to savings and investments each time income is received

13 What types of feelings result from saving and investing?
Saving vs. Investing Saving Investing Emergencies Long-term goals More liquid Less liquid Limited risk Higher risk Lower returns (0-4%) Higher returns (8-12%) Financial security Net worth What types of feelings result from saving and investing?

14 What does “Liquid” mean?
How easy is it to get your cash in hand CD’s are NOT very Liquid. Checking Accounts are VERY liquid. Why is it important to have some assets that are very liquid? In the even of an emergency Don’t want to pay high penalties

15 Characteristics of Investment Tools
Speculative Commodities Real Estate Capital Growth Stocks Mutual Funds Bonds Financial Growth Retirement Certificate of Deposit Savings Account Income Will Insurance Emergency Basic Financial Planning (Protection)

16 Bond Fixed interest rate Definition Description Investment Risk Return
Form of lending to a company or the government Description Organization pays interest to the lender (purchaser) until the maturity date is reached Investment Risk Least amount (typically) Depends on the type of bond Return Fixed interest rate Maturity date – specified time in the future when the principal amount of the bond is repaid to the bondholder

17 Mutual Funds When a company combines the funds of many different investors and then invests that money in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds What is Included Bonds Stocks Real Estate Speculative Investments Type of Returns Interest Dividends Rents Capital Gains

18 Reduces investment risk
Mutual Funds Advantage Disadvantage Reduces investment risk Fees may be high Saves investors time

19 Index Fund Index Fund Index Example
Type of mutual fund designed to reduce fees by investing in the stocks and bonds that make up the index Index Group of similar stocks and bonds Example Standard and Poor’s 500

20 Real Estate Ownership of residential or commercial property or land Potential for Returns Capital gains (selling the property for more than what was paid) Rent (charging others for use of the property) Real estate can be time consuming but the potential for returns is high

21 A share of ownership in a company
Stock Stock Stockholder or shareholder A share of ownership in a company Owner of the stock Usually a stockholder owns a very small part of a company

22 Stock Returns - Dividends
Share of profits distributed in cash to stockholders Stockholder may or may not receive dividends

23 Stock Returns – Capital Gains
Market Price Current price a buyer is willing to pay Stocks sells for a price higher than what was paid Capital gain – unearned income received from the sale of an asset above its purchase price Stock sells for a price lower than what was paid Stockholder will lose money

24 Ariana has $150 to Invest Option 1 - Stock
B C D E F G Ariana invests in one company’s stock Company C has had a bad year and their market price drops significantly. Ariana may lose her $150 investment

25 Ariana Has $150 to Invest Option 2 – Mutual Fund
B C D E F G Market price of companies C and F decreased Market price increased for all other companies Ariana has reduced her investment risk and may still earn money

26 Speculative Investments
High risk investments Have the potential for significant fluctuations in return over a short period of time Futures Options Collectibles Type of return depends on the investment

27 Investment Philosophy
Everyone has a tolerance level for the amount of risk they are willing to take on Generally divided into three categories: conservative, moderate, aggressive Time may influence investment philosophy If someone was an aggressive investor, what types of investment tools would they primarily have in their portfolio?

28 Portfolio Diversification
Portfolio diversification – reduces risk by spreading money among a wide array of investments Goal: create a collection of investments that will provide an acceptable return with an acceptable exposure to risk Reduces investment risk Investing in a mutual fund is an automatic form of portfolio diversification

29 What is Diversification?
Investing in multiple different types of investments. Can take some risk and not lose it all Allows you more stability

30 Investing for Retirement
Choose an investment Usually mutual funds Contribute money Typically tax-advantaged When possible, use an employer-sponsored plan Employer may match funds (up to a certain limit)

31 There are many other types of plans available
Retirement Accounts Employer Sponsored Similar plans 401(k) 403 (b) (tax-exempt organizations) Personal Retirement Traditional IRA (taxes when money withdrawn) Roth IRA (taxes paid when money deposited) The trade-off to tax advantages is most accounts have penalties if money is withdrawn early There are many other types of plans available

32 Summary Investments are important to building net worth
A trade-off to higher returns is lower liquidity and higher risk Investments are ideal for the long-term Take advantage of portfolio diversification Discuss your goals with a financial advisor Use tax-advantaged investments & employer-sponsored plan

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