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Hyperbole and Alliteration

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Presentation on theme: "Hyperbole and Alliteration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hyperbole and Alliteration

2 Hyperbole Definition- is a figure of speech which is an exaggeration.
Examples: "I nearly died laughing" His feet were as big as a barge. It looks like a simile. But, it is comparing foot size to the size of a barge. Everyone knows that a barge is approximately 700 feet long. Imagine getting a pair of shoes that big!

3 Complete the following sentences as hyperboles:
My sister wears so much makeup…. My dog is so ugly…. This school is so big…. My best friend….

4 Your Turn! Create 5 hyperboles in 10 minutes!
Be prepared to share them with the class.

5 Alliteration Definition-repetition of initial consonant sounds
Examples: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. “Fish again- myriads of minute fish, the length of his fingernail, and in a moment he could feel the innumerable tiny touches of them against his limbs.”

6 More alliteration examples
“Under him, six or seven feet down, was a floor of perfectly clean, shining white sand, rippled firm and hard by the tides. Two grayish shapes steered there, like long, rounded pieces of wood or slate. They were fish. He saw them nose toward each other, poise motionless, make a dart forward, swerve off, and come around again. It was like a water dance. A few inches above them the water sparkled as if sequins were dropping through it.”

7 Underline alliteration in the following sentences:
Puny puma pit their skills against zebras. 2. Pretty Polly picked pears for preserves. 3. Handsome Harry hired hundreds of hippos for Hanukkah.

8 Finish the following sentences with alliterative words
1. Doodling daughters…. 2. Prickly pears…. 3. Studious students…. **4. Tremendous thunderstorms….

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