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The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay”

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Presentation on theme: "The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay”
LEFT-RIGHT-CENTER The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay”

2 Preparing Your Class to Play
Divide you class into 4 equal groups (should be 4-5 students in a group) Groups should be playing at a table or group of desks that has a solid center area. Provide one LCR game (tube with dice and chips) to each group. Be careful taking the lid off the game tube. Give each player in the group 3 chips. Keep the remaining chips in the tube and put the top back on it. Make sure each group has a copy of the directions sheet to reference as needed At the end of class time please put all chips and dice back into your groups LCR game tube.

3 EACH player starts with 3 tokens
Players take turns rolling all 3 dice, continue turns clockwise. “L” = pass ONE token to LEFT “R” = pass ONE token to the RIGHT “C” = pass ONE token into the CENTER “Dot”=Do NOT pass a token. (3 dots? = “perfect” roll!)

4 The Last Player with tokens WINS the GAME!
On the way… Players with just 1 or 2 tokens may only roll as many dice as they have tokens (2/2, 1/1) Players with NO tokens “pass” on their turn and rejoin on their next turn, IF they get some tokens back.

5 It’s ALL about having a little

6 Good Times, Good Times!

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