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Exploring the Solar System

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Solar System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Solar System
A Professional Development Training September 6 & 7, 2016 Fairfield Inn & Suites Titusville, Florida

2 Welcome! GOAL: Provide you with tools to engage your audiences in NASA’s solar system science and exploration Engage in hands-on activities Interact with solar system researchers Network with colleagues from across the country Focus on solar system formation and evolution, asteroids, meteorites and solar system exploration

3 Thank you, NASA SMD! This training is funded by the Planetary Science Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Juno Curiosity OSIRIS-REx

4 Who are we? Andy Shaner, Lunar and Planetary Institute
Christine Shupla, Lunar and Planetary Institute Yolanda Ballard, Lunar and Planetary Institute Dr. Sanlyn Buxner, Planetary Science Institute Dr. Michelle Kirchoff, Southwest Research Institute

5 Who are you? What is your name?
Where are you from (institution, city, etc.)? What is one thing you look forward to today and tomorrow?

6 OSIRIS-REx Launch Check-In
Located at NASA Guest Center / ATX 6225 Vectorspace Boulevard, Titusville, FL 32780

7 OSIRIS-REx Launch Check-In
Check-in at lunch or at the close of today 12pm-5pm Tuesday 9am-5pm Wednesday 9am-1:30pm Thursday Guest(s) should be with you; bring RSVP and bus boarding s from NASA (paper or show on phone) and ID (if 18+) Guests may check-in without you; they should bring the same s and ID (18+) and let them know they are with you

8 Sorting the Solar System
What are the objects in our solar system? Work with your team to organize the cards into categories There is no right or wrong way If you finish early, re-sort into new categories Which types of categories are useful? Creative and unique? Why do we sort objects into categories?

9 Active Accretion Participants model the accretion of specks of matter in our early solar system into chondrules and asteroids

10 Active Accretion Materials Large open space

11 Active Accretion Materials Large open space Cards

12 Active Accretion Materials Large open space Cards

13 Active Accretion Everyone starts as dust Pairs are chondrules

14 Active Accretion Groups of 4-10 are meteoroids 11+ are asteroids

15 Planet Swap Work in pairs or small groups Pick 5 words to turn over
Predict what the main idea of the sentence is.

16 Planet Swap continues Pick 5 more words
Revise your prediction—what do you think the main idea is now? Revise your prediction again.

17 Planet Swap—finishing up
Can you think of a time when scientists had to revise their ideas? Scientists are constantly questioning, testing, and revising ideas, as we gather more data.

18 Size & Scale of the Solar System

19 Size & Scale of the Solar System
What is accurate about this depiction of the solar system? What is not accurate?

20 Size & Scale of the Solar System
What pre-conceptions do you think your audiences may have about the size and scale of the solar system? In general, how do the sizes of planets and the distances between them change as you go away from the sun? How does the Sun-Jupiter distance compare to the Sun-Saturn distance?

21 Size & Scale of the Solar System

22 Impact Cratering

23 Collaboration/Reflection
How can you use any of the activities/ presentation content from today in your programs/activities? What barriers may present themselves? How can you modify activities to suit your needs? Do you have suggestions for your colleagues? Are there ways you can partner with anyone here?

24 Edible Rocks Use meteorite terms to describe your edible rocks
Chondrules – round grains found in chondrites Fusion crust – black coating of the outside of the meteorite caused Matrix – fine-grained material around larger pieces Vesicles – holes (caused from solidification around gas bubbles) Porous – contains holes / cavities between grains Unfractured – not broken, no cracks

25 OSIRIS-REx Launch Check-In
Located at NASA Guest Center / ATX 6225 Vectorspace Boulevard, Titusville, FL 32780 Open today until 5pm

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