Population Dynamics (Predator-Prey relationship).

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Presentation on theme: "Population Dynamics (Predator-Prey relationship)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Dynamics (Predator-Prey relationship)

2 Population dynamics = the study of how populations change over time.
Population density: # of individuals per unit area.

3 How population size can change:
Births Deaths Emigration (Organisms leaving) Immigration (Organisms entering)

4 Population Growth 1) Exponential growth
Occurs when a pop. reproduces at a constant rate. Needs ideal conditions with unlimited resources.

5 2) Logistic growth Growth slows as resources become less available. Carrying capacity (“K”) = the largest number of individuals an environment can support.

6 Limits to growth Density-dependent factors Density-independent factors
Not enough food/water/space, disease, parasitism, predators Density-independent factors Natural disasters, unusual weather, deforestation, hunting

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