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Presentation on theme: "EVOLUCIÓN HACIA LA BANDA ANCHA MOVIL EN MEXICO RETOS Y SOLUCIONES"— Presentation transcript:


2 9/19/2018 9/19/ THINGS WE THINK By 2020, everything that benefits from a network connection will be connected. 2 2

3 Fixed & mobile subscriptions
9/19/2018 9/19/ Fixed & mobile subscriptions M2M to be added on top Key messages: Main message: Based on Ericsson estimates, Q2 showed continued high QoQ subscription growth, Q is estimated to continue this trend. India again grew at a very strong pace. Worldwide mobile subscriptions are now approximately 5.7 billion, of which around 5.1 billion are GSM/EDGE/WCDMA/HSPA and world total penetration has reached 81%. Mobile subscriptions increased 3.3% in Q211 compared to Q111 with an estimated net addition of 185 million. The YoY growth rate in the GSM/EDGE family (without WCDMS/HSPA) is approximately 12% in Q1. This is slightly lower than the world average growth of 15%. We estimate that 53 million WCDMA subscriptions were added, reaching 750 million. However, the number of subscribers is likely around 3.9 billion Note, subscription data for broadband trends refer to Q1 2011, since Q data is not available until mid Q Demand for fixed broadband maintained a robust pace during 4Q10, as net additions reached 14 million, with strong growth across all regions. Asia Pacific contributed the largest portion of new subscribers with 49%, followed by EMEA with 31%, CALA at 9% and North America at 12%. DSL remains the most widely deployed broadband technology, representing 63% of total subscribers, while cable broadband subscribers represent 20%, FTTH/B 14% and other technologies each represent 2%. China is the largest single country with 129 million subscribers, followed by the United States with 87 million subscribers and Japan with 34 million subscribers. Approximately 340 million DSL, 110 million cable and 75 million fiber subscriptions in Q1 of 2011. VoIP includes Cable/Copper/Fiber VoIP. Fixed broadband subscriptions are growing to reach above 700 millions in the outer forecasting years. The number of fixed broadband users is at least 3 times the number of fixed broadband connections due to multiple usage in households, enterprises, and also in public access spots. (~3.8 people per household is world average, but the ratio is lower in developed countries where most users are today). Mobile Broadband: CDMA2000 EV-DO, HSPA, LTE, Mobile WiMAX, TDSCDMA. Both mobile PC, Tablets and handheld devices. Mobile Broadband and Mobile PC/Tablets are subsets of total mobile subscriptions Fixed Broadband: Cable, xDSL, Fiber, PC-to-PC VoIP, e.g. Skype, is not included in VoIP numbers M2M connections not included. ************************************************ Slide owner: Susanna Bävertoft, GF Strategy Content owners: Svante Bergqvist, Richard Möller Latest update: July 2011 Best before: November 2011 Recommended target group: operator/SP, analyst, media, enterprise/organization, user, partner Source: Internal Ericsson and various sources Source: Internal Ericsson 3

4 Technologies for The networked society
9/19/2018 9/19/ Technologies for The networked society + + Mobility Service aware Cloud Broadband Network 4

5 operator roles Networked enterprises S Service providers
9/19/ 9/19/2018 operator roles 60 of which Google 24 S Service providers Networked enterprises Internet advertising 115 Operator roles ENABLER PROVIDER Payment Device mgmt Identity Communication Position QoS Connectivity 15 25 VALUE-ADD SERVICE PROVIDER IP TV Music Manage the Home 20 70 COMMUNICATION PROVIDER Enriched Communication Telephony/SMS 1100 1090 CONNECTIVITY PROVIDER 395 IP-VPN Fixed BB Mobile BB Three operator roles having a grouping of offerings towards Consumer and Enterprises: Connectivity provider - selling basic connectivity to enterprises and consumers as well as more “smart pipe” services e.g. broadband access, site interconnect Communication provider - selling interoperable communication services to enterprises and consumers e.g. telephony, SMS, MMS, RCS, Value-add service provider - selling operator specific solutions to differentiate and to take an active part in new value chains outside the traditional telecom value chain. E.g. IPTV, centrex/collaboration services, application store, storage. The offering can be sold separately or bundled in different ways depending operator strategy and market conditions e.g. triple play. A fourth role towards “producing enterprises” supporting their services to consumers and enterprises. E.g. a dentist sending a reminder about an appointment, a logistic company which needs to know the position of their lorries, a parking lot that wants their customers to pay for parking without being present etc. Basically operators are reselling information or services provided towards consumers and enterprises for a different purpose sometimes referred to a two-sided business model. Enabler provider – selling enablers to other enterprises in order for them to improve their service to their customers. Enablers can have their origin in access, in user data, in terminal or user services. E.g. location, QoS, premium SMS, Trusted service manager. Revenues are collection of revenues associated with each role. Figures originates mainly from Ericsson strategic forecast for Operator revenue source world wide. Communication revenue consist of VoIP, Fix telephony, Mobile voice revenue and Mobile messaging. Connectivity revenue consists of Mobile broadband, Fix broadband and Corporate data. Value-add service revenue consist of IPTV revenue from ESF and additional revenues from other sources coming from ATKearny study Enabler provider revenue is coming from ATKearny study Internet advertising figures comes PriceWaterhousCoopers Global entertainment and media outlook: 2010 – 2014 with extrapolation for Google revenue from annual report. The bundling of internet access, telephony and IPTV will make it more difficult to separate out the revenue streams. However each of the roles has still to be competitive towards alternative offerings. Value-add services are in many cases mainly to attract subscribers to the lower two, a way to grow/maintain market share. Enabler business generally very high margin since it is mainly a spin-off from the other with limited additional cost. The value provided by the enabler provider is mainly to provide an alternative and to rationalize the value chains between the producing enterprise and its customers. The revenues can differ from one region to the other The global internet advertising market is a fraction of the global communication and connectivity market 810 Devices & Premises Consumers & Enterprises BUSD 2009 2015 5

6 Technologies for The networked society
9/19/2018 9/19/ Technologies for The networked society Mobility Broadband 6

7 Operator revenues Mobile/Fixed operator + CATV BB & VoIP revenues
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Operator revenues M2M revenues to be added on top Mobile/Fixed operator + CATV BB & VoIP revenues 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 BUSD Mobile data, incl. mobile PC access & SMS Mobile voice Fixed corporate data services Fixed broadband IPTV Fixed VoIP Fixed narrowband voice Mobile Fixed Source: Internal Ericsson Fixed and mobile service revenues. In addition, fixed BB & VoIP revenues from cable and alternative providers are included. This slide contains forward looking statements 7

8 Mobile traffic, voice and data
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Mobile traffic, voice and data M2M traffic to be added on top Subscriber traffic in mobile access networks 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mobile PC & Tablets Mobile handheld Voice Monthy Petabytes (1015) Key messages: Mobile traffic (voice and data) to increase by ~15 times by 2016, driven by video. Web traffic by mobile PC’s and smartphones is foreseen to be dominant in the period, driven by the attractiveness of mobile broadband. The fast-growing applications for data traffic in the large youth segment are web-based services such as YouTube and Facebook. Traffic generated by advanced Smartphones is growing rapidly and is forecasted to be approximately equal to PC based traffic in 2016. Traffic per subscriber is in a way related to the screen size available – for a 17” laptop it is relevant to download DVD-resolution movies, but for a handheld device with 4” screen much less resolution will suffice – and represent a faster download. However, changing user patterns may alter this by e.g. storing HD video on portable devices. Note uncertainty of the forecast due to being in early stages of development and lack of reporting from operators, as well as operators ability to limit traffic. Note that this refers to the traffic in the access side, i.e. traffic is aggregated in the mobile core network depending on type. As an example, Broadcasted and Unicasted traffic load the core network very different, however, they still represent the same amount in the access side. DVB-H and Mobile WiMax or WiFi traffic not included. M2M traffic not included. Petabyte = 1015 byte ************************************************ Slide owner: Susanna Bävertoft, GF Strategy Content owner: Richard Möller Latest update: July 2011 Best before: November 2011 Recommended target group: operator/SP, analyst, media, enterprise/organization, user, partner Source: Internal Ericsson Source: Internal Ericsson Definitions: see note pages. DVB-H, Mobile WiMax, M2M and WiFi traffic not included This slide contains forward looking statements 8

9 Correlation between data traffic growth and capex
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Correlation between data traffic growth and capex Network Load X X Equipment Sales Data Growth Performance Indoor/Outdoor Coverage Performance Requirements Capacity Capacity Network load is mis-leading indicator 9

10 World Population distributionWorld Population distribution*
9/19/2018 9/19/ Mobile world technology coverage 3gpp technologies – 2010 vs 2016 estimate % Population Coverage World population 100% 92% 85% 80% Rural Sub urban 35% 35% Urban 2% Metro 0% World Population distributionWorld Population distribution* 2010 2016 2010 2016 2010 2016 GSM/EDGE WCDMA/HSPA LTE *Metro >4000 people/, Urban people/, Suburban people/, Rural (<300 people/ 11

11 Mobility and Broadband One network – many pipes
9/19/2018 9/19/ Mobility and Broadband One network – many pipes WiFi Core network DSL, Fiber Cellular Internet Cellular WiFi Cellular Cellular Cellular WiFi Personalized services in an Always Best Connected environment 12

12 Small cell Deployment Aspects
9/19/2018 9/19/ Small cell Deployment Aspects Data rate [Mbps] 50 100 150 200 20 40 60 80 120 140 Distance [m] Downlink Pico 20MHz 2x2 Femto 5MHz 2x2 802.11n 3x3, 20MHz - no interference 802.11n 3x3, 20MHz - 50% external interference (LTE used in the simulations) Pico Maximizes the value of site Full seamless mobility Licensed spectrum to manage potential interference WiFi Limited coverage need Indoor, low-interfered locations Site and backhaul not a cost Femto No data rate benefit over WiFi Interference and hand-over issues Indoor voice quality Pico provides higher data rates and better range (based on same BW) than WiFi Licensed spectrum, higher downlink power, lower noise figure Typical deployments include Home Coffee shops Hotels Often WiFi data-rate will be limited by backhaul. ----- The graph The graph shows datarate as a function distance. The cases are: ‘Pico’: LTE FDD pico on 20MHz, 2x2 MIMO, with 1W power and 5dBi antenna gain Femto 5 MHz 2 x 2 ‘WiFi – no interference’: n on 20MHz (in 2.4GHz band), 3x3 MIMO with 100mW power and 0dBi antenna gain ‘WiFi - interfered’ – as above but an external source of interference (other wifi, mifi, bluetooth, surveillance camera,…) is assumed to occupy the unclicensed spectrum 50% of the time Wi-Fi is a good complement to cellular 13 13 13

13 network integrated Wifi solution
9/19/ 9/19/2018 network integrated Wifi solution Mobile Network Fixed Network 14

14 3GPP LTE releases Rel-8 First LTE release Standard 2008
9/19/2018 9/19/ 3GPP LTE releases Rel-8 First LTE release Standard 2008 “Basic features” Mobile broadband Rel-9 2nd LTE release Standard 2009 Voice centric and various enhancements Rel-10 “LTE-advanced” Standard 2011 Fulfill IMT-A requirements Wider spectrum higher peak bitrates, … The existing finalized three Releases of specifications for LTE from 3GPP. Today LTE Rel-11 is being worked on in 3GPP. It is ”LTE Rel-10 and beyond” that fullfill all IMT-Advanced requirements and these specifications that are transposed into standards by the 3GPP Partners and included and referenced in the ITU Recommendation on IMT-Advanced. However, it should be noted that also all specifications related to LTE (both FDD and TDD) are included in the Recommendation for IMT-Advanced. Release independent (frequency bands, …) 15

15 Current IMT spectrum map
9/19/2018 9/19/ Current IMT spectrum map 450 MHz 700 MHz 850 MHz 900 MHz Asia-Pacific, Africa 700 MHz 850 MHz ”Cellular” Americas, < 1 GHz 450 MHz “DD” 800 MHz 900 MHz Africa, Europe, Middle East WRC-07 “AWS” “PCS” 1900 “AWS” ISM 2.45 GHz 2.5 GHz Americas < 3 GHz 1800 MHz ”Core” 2 GHz 2.3 GHz ”Extension” 2.6 GHz This slide illustrates all the frequency bands that are allocated to Mobile Service and identified to IMT in the ITU Radio Regulations. The bands in the dark blue colour are the frequency bands that were identified during the latest WRC held in 2007. The frequency bands below 1 GHz has today high attention for coverage reasons but is different in all three regions due to legacy reasons of how once 850 and 900 MHz bands were handled. Future expansion of mobile service is expected due to digital dividend from Broadcasting Service, or is being discussed as White Space. In frequencies between 1-3 GHz there are in principle two different approaches depending on use of PCS1900 band or the 1800 MHz + IMT core band. In addition, there exist also AWS or Clinto bands, the global identification of 2.3 GHz band and the 2.6 GHz ”extension band” driven by CEPT countries. In frequencies above 3 GHz the bands like 3.5 and 3.7 GHz are today specified in 3GPP and expected to be future capacity bands. Africa, Asia-Pacific Europe, Middle East 1500 MHz 3400 MHz 3600 MHz 3800 MHz Identifications Harmonization Standards < 5 GHz Europe 16

16 LTE Technology and flexibility
9/19/ 9/19/2018 LTE Technology and flexibility Non contiguous Carrier aggregation Spectrum A Spectrum B IFFT Transmission scheme DL OFDM, UL DFTS-OFDM Hybrid ARQ Contiguous Carrier aggregation Uplink multi-antenna transmission Up to 4x4 UL Bandwidth flexibility Channel-dependent scheduling FDD and TDD support Extended multi-antenna transmission Multi-antenna support MBSFN Broadcasting and unicasting Up to 8x8 DL Visualized components of LTE Rel-8 and Rel-9 to the right and ”LTE-Advanced” being LTE Release 10 components to the right. Extended MBMS RN Relaying 17

17 LTE Rel10 - Firsts Field Tests
9/19/2018 9/19/ LTE Rel10 - Firsts Field Tests LTE Rel10 coverage in Kista Carrier aggregation: 60 MHz BW Achieving 1 Gbps in the field 8x8 MIMO in downlink Built on 3GPP Rel 10, meeting IMT Advanced >300 Mbps in most parts of Kista 18 18

18 Technologies for The networked society
9/19/2018 9/19/ Technologies for The networked society Service aware network 19

19 Broadening the Market opportunity
9/19/2018 9/19/ Broadening the Market opportunity APPS Providers Enterprise verticals Hosted Apps Cloud SAS Content Providers Network operators Network operators Products & Services Products & Services access Service Aware network 20

20 Verticals in the 50b vision Based on Horizontal Layers
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Verticals in the 50b vision Based on Horizontal Layers App Cellular, (fixed) Managed and uniform point of access to data over any network from any equipment H e a l t h T r c k i n g A m M Cellular, fixed, private Stove pipe solutions and single purpose device deployment, need for horizontalisation also acknowledged elsewhere, separation of common support functionality across different application domains, issue with long life-cycles of m2m equipment and solutions, complexity – outside core business and many different types of aspects to consider -> costly solutions Building on standardized technology to achieve economy of scale 21

21 Maximise connectivity business through tailored offerings
9/19/2018 9/19/ Maximise connectivity business through tailored offerings Addressing different demands/needs... ...not one size fits all... Demand curve Revenue per bit Revenue per bit Key messages: Maximize the connectivity business by tailored offerings to different needs! By addressing different needs representing tailored propositions along the demand curve, but without a general lower price level a larger market can be addressed, and without a general price erosion. Traffic Traffic Flat rate –> Volume based –> Value based 22

22 Service Aware Network Users Applications Service Aware Network Devices
Business of Innovation LME Board may Technology status 9/19/2018 9/19/ Service Aware Network Devices CONTROL EXPERIENCE ENABLEMENT EFFICIENCY Service Aware Network Users Applications Hosted APPS Residential APPS Providers Enterprise Enterprise Verticals Commercial Cloud SAS Rev PA4 Ericsson AB 2011 23 23 23

23 Network Efficiency and capacity
LME Board may Technology status Business of Innovation 9/19/ 9/19/2018 Service Aware Network Devices Users Applications Service Aware Network Hosted APPS CONTROL EXPERIENCE ENABLEMENT Rating/Billing Service Control Security Performance Traffic Mgmt. Policy Mgmt. Personalization Context Battery Life Response Time Cost control Content optimization Developer Programs Mobile Advertising Business Models Analytics Resource usage Content compression Residential APPS Providers Enterprise Enterprise Verticals EFFICIENCY Network Efficiency and capacity Network Signalling Network Bandwidth Efficiency Commercial Cloud SAS Ericsson AB 2011 Rev PA4 24 24 24

24 Two complementary monetization methods emerging
9/19/ 9/19/2018 APPS Providers Enterprise verticals Cloud SAS Hosted Apps Network operators A. Differentiated Pricing B. Two Sided Model Telco systems Service Aware network Two complementary monetization methods emerging 25

25 Network Control & User Experience
Packet Networks Update - September 2011 9/19/2018 9/19/ Network Control & User Experience How to differentiate Maximum Bandwidth per user Maximum Bandwidth per user Maximum Bandwidth per Application LIMIT Per User admission priority Throughput per User Throughput per User PRIORITIZE Guaranteed Bit Rate per Application Minimum Bit Rate per User GUARANTEE Content Optimization Content Caching ACCELERATE Ericsson AB 2011 Ericsson AB 2011 26 26 26

26 Differentiated pricing
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Differentiated pricing Differentiated Services “Pay-as-you-go” schemes Examples on how operators Monitize MBB Add-on packages Cross-services and promotions 27

27 Service revenue added on top
9/19/2018 9/19/ Service revenue added on top ************************************************ Slide owner: BNET Strategic Marketing Latest update: March 2011 Best before: February 2012 The M2M revenues in the previous slide refer to pure connections revenues per device. To this it is possible to add end-user service revenues. Strategy Analytics; Embedded Mobile Long Term Forecast, 2010: Network and Service Provider Revenues For network operators and service providers, segments look very different when it comes to ARPU or value per Embedded Module installed. Advanced Healthcare stands out followed by Home Security. Conversely, the leading segments Consumer Electronics, Utilities and Automotive are volume opportunities and promise large overall revenue potential in spite of relatively modest ARPU figures. Network Provider Revenues refer to pure transport element charged for by a network operator. Service Provider Revenues are effectively revenues from end-user services. Source: Strategy Analytics; Embedded Mobile Long Term Forecast, 2010 28

28 Technologies for The networked society
9/19/2018 9/19/ Technologies for The networked society cloud 29

29 The starting point Datacenter Best effort cloud services
9/19/ 9/19/2018 The starting point Network Management IT Management Operator Network Datacenter Best effort cloud services 3PP Cloud 30

30 Move to the embedded cloud
9/19/2018 9/19/ Move to the embedded cloud Unified Management Cloud Datacenters Telecom PaaS (Network Exposure) Enterprise application portfolio UCaaS Operator Cloud Operator Cloud Enterprise application portfolio Network Embedded Cloud (MicroDC) Operator Network Cloud Datacenters Deliver on SLA and secure delivery and session integrity Cloud acceleration (Cloud Carrier services) 3PP Cloud 31

31 Technologies for The networked society
9/19/ 9/19/2018 Technologies for The networked society + + Mobility Service aware Cloud Broadband Network 32

32 Networked society Ericsson strategic direction 2015
9/19/ Networked society 33 33 33

33 Ericsson strategic direction 2015
9/19/ The networked society The Networked Society is a vision of the future, when anything that benefits from being connected will be connected. Hans Vestberg 34

34 Operators and verticals
Ericsson strategic direction 2015 9/19/ 9/19/ Long-term trends 2000 2010 2020 Voice + SMS 700 million subs 1x business model Voice + Apps + Data 4.8 billion subs 2-3x business models Networked society 50b connected devices Various models Market Mobile operators Telecom Build own networks Mobile/Converged Ops Telecom and IP Transform and share Operators and verticals Telecom grade IP Upgrade and open Customer Business models 2000 = usage based models ($/min, $/txt) 2010 = usage based models ($/min, $/txt) but also bundles and flat rate 2020 = various models based on user needs/segmentation/application type. Many vendors Equipment HW Fewer, newer vendors Equipment and Service HW and SW New vendors landscape Service and SW HW and Cloud based Industry 35 35

35 Mobile Data Impact Implications to Mexican regulations
Ericsson strategic direction 2015 9/19/ 9/19/ Mobile Data Impact Growth Projections 2011–2017 Impact on Operator Revenues 6.0 billion to 8.9 billion subs MBB subscribers 5x High traffic smartphones 8x Tablets 13x Traffic per mobile device 10x Total mobile data traffic 15x ~ $600b 2017 Revenue from mobile data Data-enabled new revenue opportunities OTT threat (impact on Voice/SMS etc.) Implications to Mexican regulations Identification of new frequencies: Mobile Broadband, deployment of LTE New ICT Law New network rules and business models: Cloud, NGN, Media distribution LEFT: Mobile data growth is the engine behind ongoing industry growth. High growth in mobile data traffic and devices. For reference - absolute figures in 2011: MBB subscribers 2011: 928 mn High traffic smartphones 2011: 364 mn (High traffic smartphones generally refer to Open OS such as Android, iOS, Windows) Mobile PCs 2011: 176 mn Tablets (mobile) 2011: 17 mn Traffic per mobile device: 86 MB per subscription and month Total mobile data traffic 2011: 523 petaBytes per month RIGHT: Increasing share of operators’ revenues coming from data 600 BUSD by 2017, compare to 350 BUSD Global revenues from mobile data ( Note: Including SMS) OTT revenue impact is difficult to quantify (as it’s hard to isolate from other factors), but in Europe some operators like KPN clearly state that they feel the impact from OTT messaging apps like What’s App. Our forecast for European mobile voice & sms revenues show decline 3% per year, and some analysts see the revenue decline in worst case as much as 16% per year BOTTOM: Mobile data growth also translates into growth opportunities for us – both in terms of traditional network related, as well as in new areas. Areas with portfolio momentum growing faster than the market. Source: Ericsson Strategic Forecast 2011_2 36 36

36 Technology trends in network
Ericsson strategic direction 2015 9/19/ Technology trends in network VoLTE IMS Exposure Enterprise Video Interconnect Service Aware CDN functions Virtualisation SDN MPLS Frequencies Heterogeneous networks Topologies Antennas SON Rationalization Automation Analytics Infomodeling Policy Verticalization Modems Performance Apps Browsers 37

Ericsson strategic direction 2015 9/19/ 9/19/ 9/19/ 9/19/2018 MEXICO strategy 2020 INNOVATING TO EMPOWER PEOPLE, BUSINESS AND SOCIETY GLOBAL SCALE LTE NETWORKS GLOBAL SERVICES SPECTRUM THE MAIN REQUIREMENT BROADBAND USERS INNOVATED SERVICES SUPPORT SOLUTIONS ENABLERS Identification of additional frequencies to expand LTE networks will be the main activity worldwide. 38 38 38 38

38 9/19/ 9/19/2018 FREQUENCIES IN MEXICO 39 39

39 Digital Dividend in Region 2
9/19/ Digital Dividend in Region 2 RR(WRC-12) Region 2 (MHz) Countries in Region 2 support MOBILE as primary service Region 3 (MHz) BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile Argentina, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, the United States, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela FIXED MOBILE 5.297 Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica and Mexico RADIONAVIGATION RADIO ASTRONOMY Mobile-satellite except aeronautical mobile-satellite (Earth-to-space) MOBILE A MOD 5.317A A 5.293 Canada, Chile, Cuba, the United States, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru MOBILE B MOD 5.317A 5.313B Mobile is secondary in Brazil 40

40 700 MHz US No clear winner AT&T (for the most part)
Verizon 757 763 775 787 793 805 A B C D E A B C C A D Public Safety B B C A D Public Safety B CH. 52 CH. 53 CH. 54 CH. 55 CH. 56 CH. 57 CH. 58 CH. 59 CH. 60 CH. 61 CH. 62 CH. 63 CH. 64 CH. 65 CH. 66 CH. 67 CH. 68 CH. 69 698 704 710 716 722 728 734 740 746 752 758 764 770 776 782 788 794 800 806 Lower 700 MHz band Upper 700 MHz band A B D C E No clear winner AT&T (for the most part) Prev. auctioned, now AT&T Previously auctioned Frontier Wireless (unpaired) C Verizon (for the most part) Not sold PS Previously auctioned 2x1 MHz D PS A B

41 Harmonised FDD Arrangement of 698-806 MHz band
APT band plan 45 MHz Harmonised FDD Arrangement of MHz band 698 MHz 806 MHz 694 MHz PPDR/LMR DTTV 10 MHz centre gap 5 MHz 3 MHz

42 700 MHz Apt and US APT A B C D E A B C C D Public Safety C D Public
698 748 758 806 703 803 APT AT&T Verizon AT&T 757 763 775 787 793 805 A B C D E A B C C A D Public Safety B B C A D Public Safety B US CH. 52 CH. 53 CH. 54 CH. 55 CH. 56 CH. 57 CH. 58 CH. 59 CH. 60 CH. 61 CH. 62 CH. 63 CH. 64 CH. 65 CH. 66 CH. 67 CH. 68 CH. 69 698 704 710 716 722 728 734 740 746 752 758 764 770 776 782 788 794 800 806

43 The 800 MHz band With Band Classes 27 and 5 With Band Class 26 only
9/19/ The 800 MHz band With Band Classes 27 and 5 With Band Class 26 only 86 MHz of “useable” spectrum 8 MHz unused? 70 MHz of “useable” spectrum 894 758 814 824 849 851 869 903 3 MHz GB 10 MHz centre gap 803 45 MHz 35 MHz 806 BC 26 BC 5 45 MHz 43 MHz 894 758 806 824 849 851 869 903 3 MHz GB 2 MHz centre gap 803 BC 27 BC 5 Questions: Is 2 MHz centre gap too small for practical purposes? Even assuming dual duplexers? Can smaller BW carriers (1.4 or 3 MHz do the trick)? With power back-off if necessary? The 3 MHz ( ) GB also seems insufficient. Observations: Note the 8 MHz hole ( ) … All told, 16 MHz of spectrum less One advantage is uniform centre-gap of 10 MHz – advantage when building duplexers, right?

44 9/19/ 1710 – 2200 MHz 1980 2025 2110 2155 MOBILE MSS 2000 2180 2025 – 2110 MHz EESS/SPACE/FIXED/mobile 1850 1710 1930 FIXED / MOBILE FIXED/MOBILE FIXED R2 AWS PCS LE-PCS 1710 1755 1850 1910 1930 2200 MSS 2025 – 2110 MHz EESS/SPACE/FIXED/mobile 1990 2025 2110 2155 2000 MOBILE 2180 Canadian Canadian Frequency Allocation: C37 (CAN-06) The designation of the bands MHz, MHz and MHz for Advanced Wireless Services may be the subject of a future public consultation. 45

45 2500-2690 MHz ITU options for Band Plan 3GPP/LTE Band Plan
9/19/ MHz ITU options for Band Plan 3GPP/LTE Band Plan 2500 2570 2620 2690 LTE band 7 FDD - UL LTE band 38 TDD LTE band 7 FDD - DL 46

partly identified for IMT, but in some countries regarded as a IMT including BWA band currently some limited WiMAX usage, difficult coexistence situation with FSS in the longer-term for LTE and IMT-Advanced allowing channel bandwidths of 40 – 100 MHz ITU Identification CEPT Designation CEPT Designation 3400 3500 3600 3800 R2: FS, FSS R2: FS, FSS, MS FN5.431A FN5.430A the USA: NTIA will recommend that 100 MHz be made commercially available in the band MHz (currently licensed to the Department of Defense), subject to geographic limits to protect satellite ground stations and coastline radar facilities 3600 3700 3650 3550 3500 US situation an important band for the longer-term IMT-Advanced services for “Gbit” services specification work still ongoing in 3GPP

47 Allocations in the ITU-R RR
Region 1 (Africa, Europe and Middle East):  400 RADIOLOCATION  600 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), Mobile, Radiolocation  200 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), Mobile Region 2 (Americas):  400 RADIOLOCATION, Amateur, Fixed, Mobile  500 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), Amateur, Mobile, Radiolocation  700 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), MOBILE except aeronautical mobile, Radiolocation  200 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Region 3 (Asia-Pacific):  400 RADIOLOCATION, Amateur  200 FIXED, FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth), MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

48 9/19/ Region 2, Americas In Region 2, the band 3500 – 4200 is allocated to Mobile, except aeronautical, on a primary basis with fixed satellite service. WRC-07 additionally allocated the band 3400 – 3500 MHz to Mobile Service on a primary basis in 14 countries in Region 2: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela and French Overseas Departments and Communities subject to agreement obtained under No Stations of the mobile service in the band 3400 – 3500 MHz shall not claim more protection from space stations than that provided in Table 21-4 of the Radio Regulations 3400 3500 4200 FSS (space to earth) Mobile except aeronautical

49 9/19/ Colombia Current allocations Suggested band plan

50 9/19/ Mexico 3.4 – 3.6 GHz and 3.6 – 3.7 GHz the band GHz was auctioned in 1998 for FWA and mobile services, there are 50 MHz available. the band 3.6 – 3.7 MHz will be auctioned in 2009 for fix or mobile broadband services the auction will be for Basic Area Service there is only 1 network in operation 3.450 3.500 3.525 3.550 3.575 3.600 3.650 3.625 3.675 3.700 3.475 3.425 3.400 WLL Trial WiMax

51 Canada A B C D E F G H J K L M 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 The band MHz is divided into frequency blocks of 25 MHz each, and designated as follows: BLOCK A 3400 – 3425 MHz BLOCK B 3425 – 3450 MHz BLOCK C 3450 – 3475 MHz BLOCK D 3475 – 3500 MHz BLOCK E 3500 – 3525 MHz BLOCK F 3525 – 3550 MHz BLOCK G 3550 – 3575 MHz BLOCK H 3575 – 3600 MHz BLOCK J 3600 – 3625 MHz BLOCK K 3625 – 3650 MHz BLOCK L 3650 – 3675 MHz contention based access BLOCK M 3675 – 3700 MHz contention based access

52 9/19/ the USA MHz mobile and transportable high power radar systems Radars operate on land, on ships, and on aircraft. Sharing studies indicate sharing is not feasible within the same geographic area due to significant levels of interference. international and homeland defense MHz Hybrid licensing for fixed and mobile services Fixed satellite service receive earth stations government and emergency communication links, including disaster recovery services and meteorological tracking MSS feeder links. distance learning, telephony and internet backhaul, VSAT data links and distribution of TV programming 3400 – 4200 MHz: Fixed Satellite Service There is extensive utilization by the FSS of the frequency bands 3400 – 4200 MHz, although some portions of the band are used more extensively in some regions of the world than others. Based upon the usage in various countries and regions of the World, there does not appear to be any common spectrum within the 3400 – 4200 MHz band in which FSS usage is relatively limited and which can be potentially identified for use by IMT. Satellite services that use the 3400 – 4200 MHz band include VSAT, satellite news gathering, direct-to-home (“DTH”) broadcasting and internet services. C-Band earth stations are distributed ubiquitously in the United States and many other regions of the world. Many of these earth stations are receive only and are not required to be registered by the local administration or with the ITU – but they never-the-less receive service from FSS providers and must be protected. Large numbers of satellite receive earth stations are not registered with the ITU and/or with the local administration(s). The FCC’s database lists approximately five thousand registered C-band earth stations operating in the 3400 – 4200 MHz band. For example, in the United States, the Public Broadcasting System (“PBS”) provides programming to over 100, 000 receive stations in the U.S. This number far exceeds the number earth stations included in the FCC database or the ITU’s database. The ITU database lists approximately 1500 registered earth stations. However, this number grossly undercounts the number of earth stations that operate in the 3400 – 4200 MHz band. The number of earth stations contained in the database of one large international operator is in excess of 9000 earth stations. The Russian Federation has over 6000 C-band earth stations operating within its territory. Brazil has over 8000 nationally registered earth stations pointing to one Brazilian satellite and nationally earth station pointing to a non-Brazilian satellite. PBS provides service to over 100, 000 receive stations. Members of the North American Broadcasting Association (“NABA”) provide programming to over receive stations in North America reaching over 66 cable television households. The areas of the world that do not utilize C-band extensively for FSS are relatively limited – Europe (including the Nordic countries), Japan and South Korea – and this limitation is primarily due to regulatory constraints in those regions/countries. There are approximately 160 orbiting satellites that utilize all or portions of the 3400 – 4200 MHz. A significant number of these spacecraft are U.S. licensed. C-band satellite antennas enable the FSS operator to provide service to wide coverage areas. Such wide-coverage cannot be easily replicated at higher frequencies. The wide-coverage characteristics at C-band permit services to be provided economically to areas that would otherwise be under-served or not served at all. C-band receive stations are very sensitive to outside interference. The interference created by an IMT-Advanced station is much higher than what a typical earth station receiver can tolerate. Protection of an FSS receive station is based upon maintaining an appropriate distance separation between the transmitting IMT station and the receiving FSS station. The IMT architecture involves the use of macro, micro and mobile stations. Typically, the micro and mobile stations operate within the coverage area of the macro station. Accordingly, protection from macro-cell interference is the primary driver in determining the requisite level of distance separation relative to an FSS receive station. The distance separation associated with micro and mobile stations would generally be subsumed by the required distance separation between the macro station and the FSS receive station. SG8 has concluded that minimum distance separations ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers would be required between an IMT macro base station and an FSS receiving earth station. Such a large preclusion zone cannot be practically created and/or maintained. This problem is further exacerbated given that the location of many FSS receive earth stations is not known. The mitigation techniques analyzed by SG8 can generally only be applied when the location of the FSS receive earth stations are known, which is typically not the case. SG8 sharing studies included both site specific and non-site specific cases, whereby actual terrain is known with the former. There was wide variation in the required distances separation associated with the site specific analysis due to the variance in the local topography. However, the range of distance separation associated with non-site specific studies were relatively consistent. With this in mind, it would appear inappropriate to use the site-specific studies as the basis for identifying the 3400 – 4200 MHz band for use by IMT, since for any one site where the distance separations are small, another site can be found were the required separations are very large. It is recommended that sharing between IMT and FSS be based upon the results of the generic non-site specific sharing studies. MHz: Radiolocation Service The band is used by defense radar systems, operated on a global basis, that fulfill vital roles in international and homeland protection. The air and surface surveillance systems deployed in this band provide for medium-long range detection of relatively small targets from mobile platforms. Widespread deployment of IMT will likely result in interference into these radar systems, adding additional risk to defense operations in various regions of the world. 3400 3650 3700 4200 Radiolocation FSS (space to earth) Primary services shown only

53 CEPT The new ECC Decision (11)06 on frequency arrangements for IMT in the bands 3400 – 3600 MHz and 3600 – 3800 MHz there are two arrangements for the band 3400 – 3600 MHz with equal regulatory status 200 MHz unpaired arrangement 2 x 80 MHz paired arrangement with 100 MHz duplex spacing, and a 20 MHz duplex gap 3410 – 3490 MHz paired with 3510 – 3590 MHz there is one unpaired arrangement for the band 3600 – 3800 MHz including the whole 200 MHz using airborne radars 3400 3500 3600 3800 80 MHz 20 MHz 80 MHz 3410 3490 3510 3590

54 3400 – 3600 MHz in Europe Belgium Bosnia Herzegovina Czech Republic
3500 Bosnia Herzegovina Czech Republic 3400 France Austria 3600 Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Macedonia Norway Portugal Russia Switzerland Sweden UK 2 x 50 2 x 84 2 x 70 2 x 62.5 2 x 90 2 x 75 2 x 86.5 2 x 28 2 x 87.5 2 x 20 2 x 80 MHz

55 The band In some APT countries
India 3600 3500 3400 3300 LMDS / MMDS DoS (INSAT) (DoS) INSAT China BWA TDD 3431 3531 Fixed FDD 100 MHz duplex FSS Broadcast Auxiliary Services Japan (official) Australia 3425 3450 3492.5 3550 3542.5 3575 Fixed, nomadic (FDD or TDD) New Zealand 3410 3487 Future mobile 3456 Malaysia 3497.5 3597.5 BWA (FDD) 3403 3503 Japan Indonesia 3420.5 3438 3520.5 3538 Korea Radiolocation Broadcasting relay transportable Momentum Singapore

56 Super short intro of the WRC-15 agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 and 1.3
9/19/ Super short intro of the WRC-15 agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 and 1.3 AI 1.1 IMT and Broadband – a very good result given the tone of the discussions and the disparity of opinions 1.1 to consider additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) and related regulatory provisions, to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile broadband applications, in accordance with Resolution COM6/8 (WRC‑12); AI 1.2 UHF band and downward extension of lower limit – looked like being a problem initially; but good outcome, with potential for global harmonization, especially for ATU and ASMG, Europe was considering extension – perhaps not so early! 1.2 to examine the results of ITU‑R studies, in accordance with Resolution COM5/10 (WRC‑12), on the use of the frequency band  MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 and take the appropriate measures; AI 1.3 Broadband PPDR – in hindsight, with the recent US decision to identify the D-block for PPDR 1.3 to review and revise Resolution 646(Rev.WRC‑12) for broadband public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), in accordance with Resolution COM6/11 (WRC‑12);

57 Different kind of spectrum requirements
Characteristics of additional IMT spectrum Coverage Capacity Performance Not possible to find all characteristics in a single band A mixture of bands needed Situation after 2020 to be considered 59 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

58 Coverage Low frequencies with good radio propagation
Primarily below 1 GHz GHz could also be considered Coverage and capacity in rural areas most important characteristics Possible frequency ranges < 790 MHz 1400 MHz Amount of coverage spectrum needed To be studied 60 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

59 Capacity Spectrum suitable for large amounts of traffic
Above 1 GHz Amount of spectrum most important characteristic Possible frequency ranges 1400 MHz 2800 MHz Extension of the 2100 MHz band Amount of capacity spectrum needed To be studied 61 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

60 Performance Spectrum capable to accommodate large bandwidths
Above 2 GHz Possibility to accommodate large bandwidths most important characteristic Possible frequency ranges 2800 MHz 3700 MHz 4000 MHz Amount of high bitrate spectrum needed To be studied 62 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

61 63 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

62 1400 MHz Different options between 1302 and 1525 MHz
Already co-primary MS allocation in parts of the band MHz MHz in region1 MHz in Region 2&3 Similar 3GPP bands Band 11 used in Japan Affected Services Aeronautical radionavigation ( MHz) RL ( MHz) FS ( MHz MHz) RNSS (earth-to-space) ( MHz) BS ( MHz) BSS ( MHz) MSS (space-to-earth) ESS, RA, SR adjacent in the center gap 64 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

63 65 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

64 2800 MHz 2700-2900 MHz Possible extension above ? Different options
FDD or TDD ? Affected services ARNS 66 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

65 67 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

66 Above 3600 MHz 3600-3800 MHz + 3800-4200 MHz One or two bands ?
FDD or TDD ? Already MS allocation in Region 2 & 3 Affected services FSS FS 68 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.3

67 69 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

68 70 Mats Öhman, MTS 1.4

69 9/19/

70 Carrier Aggregation – HSPA Completed
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation – HSPA Completed Band A Band B Inter-band Band Uplink Downlink Carriers 1+8 1920 – 1980 880 – 915 2110 – 2170 925 – 960 1+1, 3+1, 2+1 2+4 1850 – 1910 1710 – 1755 1930 – 1990 2110 – 2155 1+1, 2+2, 2+1, 1+2 1+5 824 – 849 869 – 894 2, 2+2, 2+1 1428 – 1453 1476 – 1501 2+2 1+11 1+1 2+5 1+1, 2+2 Status March 2012

71 Carrier Aggregation – HSPA Completed and Ongoing Work
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation – HSPA Completed and Ongoing Work Band A Band B Intra-band, contiguous component carriers Dual carriers (2xDL and 1xUL) in all bands Intra-band, non-contiguous component carriers Band A Band B Status March 2012

72 Carrier Aggregation – LTE Completed
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation – LTE Completed Inter-band Band A Band B Intra-band, contiguous component carriers Band A Band B Intra-band, non-contiguous No requirements set Band A Band B Status March 2012

73 Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work Inter-band FDD, 2 component carriers Band A Band B 3+7: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 4+13:RP-10xxxx, DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 4+17:RP-10xxxx, DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 4+5: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 2 CC 4+12: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 5+12: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 5+17: RP110434, DL: 2 CC, UL; 2 CC 7+20: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 1 CC, later 2 CC 2+17: RP , DL: 2 CC, UL; 2 CC 1+7: RP , DL: 2CC 3+5: RP , DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC 4+7: RP , DL: 2CC, UL: 2CC 3+20: RP , DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC 8+20: RP111213, DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC

74 Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work Inter-band, continued FDD, 2 component carriers Band A Band B 1+21 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC (DoCoMo) 1+19 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC (DoCoMo) 11+18 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC (KDDI) 1+18 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC (KDDI) 3+8 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 1CC, later 2CC (KT) 3+5 RP DL: 2CC, UL: 2CC (SK Telecom) Status March 2012

75 Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work
9/19/ Carrier Aggregation - LTE Ongoing Work Intra-band, contiguous component carriers Band A Band B Intra-band, non-contiguous Band A Band B 7 RP 25 RP 3 RP (DL and UL) Status March 2012


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