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Excretory and Urinary Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Excretory and Urinary Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Excretory and Urinary Systems

2 What is the purpose of the excretory system?
To remove and eliminate waste from different systems in your body! The urinary system is part of the excretory system, and made up of excretory organs What are some examples from the other human body systems? Digestive Respiratory What would happen if these wastes were not eliminated?

3 What is the purpose of the urinary system?
Remove wastes from your blood Wastes are produced from using nutrients in your body Also removes excess water and balances salt concentrations Which body systems are related to the urinary system?

4 Organs of the urinary system
Kidneys Nephrons Ureters Bladder Urethra

5 KIDNEYS Major organ of urinary system: 2 bean shaped kidneys
Filters blood that has collected waste from cells All of your blood passes through your kidneys many times a day Each kidney contains around 1 million nephrons Tiny filtering units Cup and duct structure

Tubes that lead from kidney to the bladder Bladder: Elastic muscular organ that holds urine until it leaves the body Urethra: Tube that carries urine from bladder to outside of your body

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