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The Jobs of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs: Protect Serve Lead

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Presentation on theme: "The Jobs of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs: Protect Serve Lead"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jobs of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs: Protect Serve Lead

2 Protect Center of Religion Center of Culture Center of Politics
Keep the gods happy Pharaoh IS a god and has duties to ensure gods’ protection Center of Culture Center of Politics

3 Center of Politics Pharaoh as political leader Unity Old Kingdom
~3100 BC Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt Capital at Memphis

4 Center of Religion Pharaoh as builder Pyramids- ALL Old Kingdom
3rd Dynasty-The Step Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara Pharaoh as builder

5 Center of Religion Illustrate economic power/ strength/ prosperity
What else do pyramids tell us about the Old Kingdom? Great Pyramids at Giza- 4th Dynasty Across the Nile from Memphis

6 Protect and Serve Pharaoh as political leader
Unity/ peace and harmony Middle Kingdom- The Golden Age Reunification and expansion Pharaoh as public servant Pharaoh in charge of public works and welfare Rebuild after Intermediate Period Take care of the people

7 Protect and Serve Pharaoh as political leader Unity Serve New Kingdom
Reunification and expansion Ahmose I conquered the Hyksos and rewarded soldiers with land= care Serve Rebuild after Intermediate Period Take care of the people Hatshepsut- rebuilding projects

8 Lead Pharaoh as military leader Expand Borders Secure Borders
Egypt becomes the most powerful empire Expand Borders Tutmoses III- empire builder Amenhotep III Secure Borders Ramses II- Syria to Sudan opposed Hittite expansion at Quadesh

9 Lead Ramses II- Quadesh
Then kept out of war… peace until after his death Propaganda to celebrate his victory

10 Center of Religion Karnak Luxor Pharaoh as builder
New Kingdom : Amenhotep III

11 Center of Religion and Politics
Abu-Simbel in Nubia Also expanded existing temples with colossal statues, obelisks, wall paintings, etc.

12 Center of Religion Akhenaton- Glory of Aton Changed to monotheism
Worshipped Aton Loss of traditional gods Moved capital to Amarna Pol/ econ destabilized Assassinated after 12 yrs

13 Center of Culture The art of the Amarna Period illustrates the only change in Egyptian art in 3000 years How are the figures different?

14 Amarna Period How are the figures different?

15 Center of Culture Tutankhamon Valley of the Kings
Pharaoh at ~9, died ~18 Restored the old gods Returned the capital to Thebes Valley of the Kings First pharaoh found with his tomb intact Found by Carter, 1922

16 Center of Religion Erase the memory of Armana
Ramses II opposed the monotheism of Hebrews Slavery

17 External Problems Hyksos 1640-1570
Asian nomads invaded and ruled for 70 years End the Middle Kngdm Horse chariot and compound bow Hittites ish Anatolian power comparable to Egypt Expansion challenged Egypt Destroyed by the Sea People who also end the New Kingdom

18 After 1200 BC Dark Age Middle Eastern civs decline and disappear
Egypt dominated by Libyans and Nubians Conquered by Alexander and then Rome Middle Eastern civs decline and disappear no dominant power/ political vacuum other civs begin to develop

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