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Fetal Development Day 1 – The baby has its own complete DNA, distinct from either of its parents. - The baby has its own blood type, which may or may not.

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Presentation on theme: "Fetal Development Day 1 – The baby has its own complete DNA, distinct from either of its parents. - The baby has its own blood type, which may or may not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fetal Development Day 1 – The baby has its own complete DNA, distinct from either of its parents. - The baby has its own blood type, which may or may not be distinct from its parents. I am here to talk primarily about pregnancy and to do that, we need to know what exactly we are talking about. Going to talk about how pregnancy will change a teenager’s life, how pregnancies can be healthy, and how substance abuse affects an unborn child.

2 Fetal Development 13 Days – every part of the body has begun to form
20 Days – the heart is beating 42 Days – brain activity can be recorded using an EEG device

3 Fetal Development 7 Weeks – the baby has the same fingerprints which it will carry for the rest of his or her life 8 Weeks – The baby begins to respond to touch and moves away from painful contact

4 Fetal Development 9-10 Weeks – The body is virtually complete. The arms, legs, fingers, toes and internal organs of the baby are present and functioning.

5 Fetal Development Changes after the 9th week are primarily changes in size, rather than appearance

6 Embryo – week 4 4 Weeks

7 7 weeks

8 8 weeks

9 3D ultrasound-9weeks

10 11 weeks

11 3D ultrasound-13 weeks

12 16 weeks

13 18 weeks

14 20 weeks

15 20 weeks

16 24 weeks

17 Born at 5 months

18 14 weeks

19 Pregnant???? Now what???? Parent Place for Adoption Choose to Abort
What are your three options if you find out you are pregnant? Which do you think would be the easiest? The hardest? There is no reason why any of you should ever experience a pregnancy while you are teenagers or before you have found your life long marriage partner. Don’t have sex if you are not married and faithful in your marriage and you won’t have to worry about ever having to make one of the most difficult decisions of your life. Parent Place for Adoption Choose to Abort

20 Personal Care During Pregnancy
Nutrition Canada food guide Increase calorie intake Calcium, iron important Dry toast, bread decrease morning sickness Avoid spicy, fried food 10-13 kg weight gain is healthy

21 Parent 80% of teenage parents end up on social assistance.
1/3 don’t finish high school. This may be the option that appeals most to the part of you that loves babies and it can seem like an adventure and even something fun to do.

22 Parent There are 7 teen pregnancies a day in Manitoba and 4 new teen parents a week. Parenting is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without a break, and this will last for at least 18 years. How many of you here are 18??? So parenting a child will take you a longer time span than you have actually been alive. Your social life will end or drastically change. You may have to put off your dreams and life goals for a long time. You also have the gift of life and of a child that you will love unlike anyone you have ever loved before.

23 Parent It’s not just your girlfriend’s problem.
Guys, you may be zoning out by now, but remember, a girl doesn’t get pregnant without a partner. If your girlfriend gets pregnant, you have a huge responsibility and it will likely cost you financailly for the next 18 years. EDDIE

24 Place for Adoption Incredibly loving and selfless decision, but extremely difficult to do. Many adoptions are now ‘open’. You don’t have the responsibility of your child but you know your child is loved and cared for. What does this look like in Manitoba??? Why would someone choose this?

25 Abortion Not an easy way out.
Many girls feel pressure to choose this option because they don’t have the support of their families or boyfriends. Not just a woman’s problem. This appears to be the easiest option. It’s not!

26 Abortion Be aware of the risks: Physical Emotional

27 Healthy Pregnancy An unborn baby receives all of its nutrition from its mother. What she puts into her body is critical while she is pregnant. If unborn babies do not receive proper nutrition while in the womb, they may suffer physically for it once they are born.

28 Healthy Pregnancy Nutrient rich diet. Folic acid. Extra Calories.
Exercise- mod. Under Dr. Supervision Obtain prenatal care and regular check ups No smoking, drinking, drugs. Many over the counter and prescription drugs are not safe for pregnant women.

29 Illnesses to Avoid Rubella (German Measles) STI’s
Both can have catastrophic effects on a fetus

30 Substance Abuse and Pregnancy
The first trimester is the most critical for fetal development. The first trimester is when all major organs and body systems are formed.

31 Substance Abuse and Pregnancy
There is no safe amount of alcohol that can be ingested during a pregnancy. Drinking during pregnancy often results in a child being born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

32 pFAS A child with a partial disorders exhibits some but not all signs
Shows learning and behavioral issues b/c cns is damaged Any body organ/function can be affected by exposure to alcohol

33 Substance Abuse and Pregnancy
An unborn baby gets all of its nutrients from the mother, so whatever the mother takes into her body, the baby takes into its body. If you are pregnant and doing drugs, you’re baby may be born addicted to the drugs you were on while you were pregnant.

34 Substance Abuse and Pregnancy
When a baby is born addicted to an illegal substance, the baby may go through extreme pain, tremors and convulsions. Babies who are born addicted to drugs are often taken by CFS and placed in foster homes.

35 Babies are wonderful. They are cute and lovable and every single one of us was a baby at one point or another. It is helpful for you to think about the circumstances of your birth. You are in part who you are today because of choices your mother made when she was pregnant with you. Do you want to have kids? How are you going to make sure that you they are conceived when you want them to be conceived and that they are healthy when they are born??

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