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Greek gods & goddesses.

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1 Greek gods & goddesses

2 ZEUS Ruler of Mount Olympus god of heaven and earth Roman name Jupiter
Symbol – lightening bolt Married to Hera

3 ZEUS’ parents = Cronus & Rhea
MYTH: Defeated and overthrew his father Cronus to become omnipotent ruler

4 HERA goddess of marriage. Jealous wife of Zeus
Queen of the Mount Olympus Roman name Juno Symbol - peacock

5 Hera’s parents = Cronus & Rhea
Hera took the eyes from Argus, her dead faithful servant, and put his eyes on the peacocks’ feathers

6 HADES god of the dead and wealth ruler of the Underworld
Roman name Pluto Kidnaps Persephone & makes her his queen Symbol – helmet of invisibility

7 Hades’ parents = Cronus & Rhea
Hades is part of the creation story as he helped his brother Zeus defeat their father Cronus

8 POSEIDON god of the sea, earthquakes and horses
Spends his time in the oceans and seas Roman name Neptune Symbol – trident and horses

9 Poseidon’s parents = Cronus & Rhea
Wife – Amphitrite Poseidon is also part of the creation story as he aided his brother Zeus in overthrowing their father Cronus

10 DEMETER goddess of the harvest and agriculture
sister of Zeus and the mother of Persephone. Roman name Cerus Cereal Symbol – wheat stalk

11 Demeter’s parents = Cronus & Rhea
Demeter withholds her bounty when her daughter Persephone is in the underworld, creating fall and winter. When her daughter returns to Demeter, it is spring and summer on earth, and everything grows.

12 HESTIA goddess of hearth and home sister of Zeus Roman name Vesta
Symbol – fireplace (hearth)

13 Hestia’s parents: Cronus & Rhea no spouse
MYTH- Gentlest of all Olympians Humbly, Hestia gave up her throne to Dionysus She said her place was at the hearth & she needed no throne

14 APHRODITE goddess of love and beauty Roman name Venus
Symbol – doves, hearts and flowers Born from sea foam Wife of Hephaestus

15 Aphrodite’s parents: NONE – she rose from the sea foam
Myth – Her son is Eros/Cupid Her husband Hephaestus made her a magical girdle She prefers Ares to her own husband Annually she returns to the sea where she sprang from to be rejuvenated

16 PERSEPHONE Goddess of the underworld Roman name Proserpina
Symbol – pomegranate Kidnapped by Hades Daughter of Demeter MYTH - change of seasons

17 PERSEPHONE’s parents: Demeter & Zeus
MYTH- In the Underworld, she ate the seeds of the pomegranate, the food of the dead So she must return to Hades, one month for every seed she ate Thus the barren, fruitless seasons are created by her mother Demeter when her daughter Persephone is in the Underworld (fall & winter on Earth)

18 ATHENA goddess of crafts and strategic war and wisdom
goddess of Athens symbol - owl Roman name Minerva

19 Athena’s parents: Metis (goddess of prudence) & Zeus
Myth: Athena sprang from Zeus’s head fully grown after he swallowed Metis in fly form To punish Arachne’s disrespect, Athena changed her into a spider Athena won Athens by giving the city the olive tree in a contest with Poseidon, her uncle

20 HEPHAESTUS god of fire and metal crafts Symbols – fire and forge
Patron god of smiths, blacksmiths , goldsmiths, and silversmiths Roman name Vulcan Volcano

21 HEPHAESTUS’ parents: Hera & Zeus Wife: Aphrodite
Myth- Tried to defend his mother Hera from his father Zeus Zeus threw his son from Mt. Olympus, permanently crippling Hephaestus

22 ARTEMIS goddess of the hunt. Never marries Twin sister of Apollo
Roman name Diana Symbol – bow and a stag (deer)

23 Artemis’ Parents: Leto & Zeus No husband (her father did not make her marry)
Myth- To punish the young hunter Acteon for watching her bathe, Artemis turned him into a stag & he was attacked by his own hounds Her twin Apollo jealously turned her favorite hunting partner Orion into a constellation

24 APOLLO god of music, healing and prophesy Roman name is Apollo
Twin brother of Artemis Symbol - lyre and laurel crown Oracle at Delphi (where he defeated the dragon Python)

25 Apollo’s Parents: Leto & Zeus
Myth: He won the Oracle at Delphi He killed Orion because he was jealous of his twin’s favorite hunting partner He helped Artemis hang Orion’s constellation in the sky

26 HERMES messenger of the gods guides dead souls to the Underworld
Roman name Mercury Symbol – winged sandals and Caduceus

27 ARES god of violent and vicious war Roman name Mars Symbol – Vulture
Loves Aphrodite

28 Ares’ parents = Zeus & Hera
Eris, the spirit of strife, was Ares constant companion. Chaos and bloodshed followed them.

29 Dionysus God of wine Symbol – grapes
Son of a mortal woman, Semele, and Zeus Created dolphins from pirates

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