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Olympian Gods and Goddesses

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1 Olympian Gods and Goddesses

2 Mythology noun A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

3 What is a myth, exactly? A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or outlining the psychology, customs, or ideals of society

4 What is a myth, exactly? A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. ideology- a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc and underlies political action…a philosophy of life.

5 Zeus Roman Name: Jupiter King of the gods Ruler of Mt. Olympus
God of weather Dominating and powerful with a soft spot for pretty women Hurls thunderbolts when irritated

6 Aphrodite Roman Name: Venus Goddess of love and beauty
Can make others fall in love Married to Hephaestus (unwillingly); was unfaithful to him

7 Apollo Roman Name: Phoebus God of the sun
In charge of moving the sun across the sky Hunter; patron of archery Patron of the arts, especially music, and medicine (had healing powers)

8 Ares Roman Name: Mars God of war
Involvement with all warlike activities and will intervene in war Violent and eager to fight, is indifferent to “right and wrong” in battle

9 Artemis Roman Name: Diana Goddess of the moon
In charge of movement of moon across the sky Twin of Apollo Mighty huntress; protector of small children and animals

10 Athena Roman Name: Minerva Goddess of wisdom and war
Preferred reason to violence, except when pushed Overseer of household crafts Very competitive

11 Demeter Roman Name: Ceres Goddess of the earth and harvest
Responsible growth of crops and fruits Strong motherly instincts

12 Dionysus Roman Name: Liber God of wine and theater
Wild and fun-loving personality Has undesirable friends

13 Hephaestus Roman Name: Vulcan God of fire and artisans
Skilled craftsman and metal worker Married to Aphrodite (against her will) Only crippled god/thrown down Olympus by his mother Hera Admired for his work

14 Hera Roman Name: Juno Queen of gods and protector of women
Associated with marriage; spent much time pursuing Zeus’ other women Jealous and vain; beautiful

15 Hermes Roman Name: Mercury Messenger of the gods
Mischievous and a trouble-maker Protector of thieves Winged helmet and sandals

16 Poseidon Roman Name: Neptune God of the sea and earthquakes
Giver of horses to mortals His weapon in the Triton (three-pronged fork) Controlled the waves


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