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Sand Sculpting (Kelly 2012)..

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Presentation on theme: "Sand Sculpting (Kelly 2012).."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sand Sculpting (Kelly 2012).

2 To sculpt sea animals with sand, water and tools.
We are learning to... To sculpt sea animals with sand, water and tools.

3 Inspiration...

4 Octopus (Gabriel 2012).

5 Crab (Kesrouani 2009).

6 Dolphin (Hawkins 2010).

7 Seahorse (Luke 2012).

8 Turtle (DG 2012).

9 What I’m looking for... Team work
Use of a range of equipment (at least 3). Different techniques (at least 3). Variety of textures and patterns (at least 2).

10 Materials and tools Materials: Sand water Tools: Hands Bucket Shovel
Watering can Water spray Blow pipe Plastic knife Plastic spoon Rake Brush (Sandartist 2009).

11 In groups, choose a picture or figurine of a sea animal as a guide.
What will you make? In groups, choose a picture or figurine of a sea animal as a guide.

12 References DG 2012, ‘LOOK! There’s a turtle on the beach…’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Gabriel, P 2012, ‘Amazing Sand Sculptures’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Hawkins, L 2010, ‘Natural Suburbia’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Kelly, C 2012, ‘Sand Sculpting Australia 'Under the Sea' Frankston Waterfront’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Kesrouani, R 2009, ‘Sand Sculpting Crab’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Luke, J 2012, ‘15th annual Sand Sculpture contest brings creations to Indiana Dunes State Park’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Sandartist 2009, ‘Tools, tips & FAQ’, retrieved 01 February 2013, <

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