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In the Shadow of the War Canada 1918- 1929.

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1 In the Shadow of the War Canada

2 Consequences for Canadians after WW1
Nov Soldiers begin to return home- but what “home” are they returning to? Same? Different? Communities struggled to accommodate their needs- medical, economic Women were given the chance to work outside of the home and be more engaged in public life, were now sent home, losing their jobs to returning soldiers Only a few factories were fitted back to peace time facilities making there less jobs for all people, including returning soldiers The working conditions during the war were horrible


4 Consequences for the World
League of Nations- Treaty article- an alliance of world powers created to provide for peaceful resolutions to conflicts Canada was an independent member (beginning the process for Canada of developing its own unique identity, separate from Britain) Complete destruction of many cities, villages in Europe, particular in France and Poland

5 Consequences Economic- returning soldiers, shutting down of wartime economics (Total War), working conditions Social- Women’s rights- revolution? The Person’s Case Cultural- Attitudes toward minorities and non-Canadians, Immigration Act and Indian Act Social/Cultural- Prohibition (What? Why? Results?)

6 The 1920’s in Canada “Roaring Twenties”- economic, cultural and political progress High employment, jobs, technological advancements, music, consumerism Not-so-Roaring- Maritimes- coal miners strike, Aboriginals, French Canadians, Chinese Canadians, Women?







13 Were the 1920’s a time of progress or decline?
Canadian Identity Unifying Canadians- technology, Language? A Changing Society- women, white, Aboriginal? Economic Boom?

14 Complete the Puzzle Each group will be in charge of one particular issue- - Dates, events, people, - Summaries the consequences- who benefitted- what might be the long term consequences for Canadians? - Develop a progress or decline timeline as a class from all groups discoveries

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