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Nineteenth Century Japan

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Presentation on theme: "Nineteenth Century Japan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nineteenth Century Japan
The End of Feudalism, the Beginning of Imperialism Dubbs World

2 Japan before Modernization
Feudal structure under samurai and shoguns (samurai lordsgovt called “shogunate”) Landowners/warlords controlled the country Closed off to the westno trade or interaction Weak military

3 Commodore Perry anchors in Tokyo Bay

4 Commodore Perry delivers President Fillmore’s letter.

5 Westernization During the Meiji Restoration

6 What examples of Western influences can you see?

7 Railroads connected the capital city of Tokyo to vital port cities, such as Yokohama.

8 Japanese Westernization
Japanese Industrial Revolution Modernizes military Diversification of industries Universal education

9 Keep in mind that these popular woodblock prints served as propagandistic “reportage” on developments at the front, and were done by artists back home who relied on their imaginations after reading written cables describing battlefield developments. Japanese at the time regarded the defeat of “old China” as a victory over “traditional old Asia” itself—with their own nation representing the true path of modernity and progress. “China,” long admired as inspiration to traditional Japanese culture, was suddenly perceived as backward and decrepit. As a consequence, more than a few of these war prints reveal a harshness, derision, sadism, and even racial contempt vis-a-vis China and the Chinese that was unprecedented for Japan—and that would reappear with shocking violence in Japan’s better-known aggression against China in the 1930s and 1940s. Keep in mind that uncensored war prints can be disturbing to view, even years after the depicted events.

10 Four decades after Commodore Perry’s steam-powered gunboats appeared in Tokyo Harbor, Japan had its own fleet of warships and had created a navy equal to any in the world. This is an artists rendition of the Sino-Japanese War.

11 Japanese woodblock war propaganda began to use racialized imagery of Japanese vs. Chinese
Caricatured versions of Chinese creates a sense of dehumanization that we would see in contemporary images of Western Imperialism

12 “The White Man’s Burden”

13 Japanese woodblock war propaganda began to use racialized imagery of Japanese vs. Chinese
Caricatured versions of Chinese creates a sense of dehumanization that we would see in contemporary images of Western Imperialism

14 Sino-Japanese War 1894

15 Discussion Questions What is the purpose of dehumanized, race-driven imagery on the part of the imperialists? What is the significance of Japan adopting imagery/propaganda like this?


17 Japanese troops at Chemuplo during the Russo-Japanese War

18 Japanese spy captured by the Russians.

19 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria.
Battle of Tsushima loses the war for the Russians

20 Japan’s modern military besieged Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War with help from these 500 pound shells. Port Arthur provided access to China, Manchuria, and Korea and was key to controlling the surrounding seas.

21 The United States agreed to host the peace talks
The United States agreed to host the peace talks. Treaty of Portsmouth was signed in 1905, the humiliation and loss of territory lead to the 1905 Revolution in Russia.

22 An example of a European postcard illustrating how Japan was viewed in Europe at the turn of the century.

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