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Chapter 15 Planning for Material and Resource Requirements

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1 Chapter 15 Planning for Material and Resource Requirements

2 Alternative Process for Developing a Master Production Schedule
Transparency 15.5 (Exhibit 15.6)

3 Material Requirements Planning
Planning for all the parts and components necessary to support the master production schedule (MPS). MRP tells us for “how much” and “when” to launch replenishment orders for dependent demand items (i.e., it is time phased) MRP record processing has several required pieces of information

4 Information Required for MRP Record Processing
Bill of Material Current Inventory Status Data on hand scheduled receipts Master Production Schedule (MPS) Planned Lead Time Information Order Policy minimum (minQ), multiple (Q=), lot-for-lot (LFL)

5 Exploded View of Maine Woods’ Tricycle
Transparency 15.11 (Exhibit 15.13)

6 Product Structure Tree Diagram for Maine Woods’ Tricycle
Transparency 15.12 (Exhibit 15.14)

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