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Introduction to Human Reproduction

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1 Introduction to Human Reproduction
Unit 8 Lesson 1

2 To re-take test you must come in before or after school. PICK UP:
Reminders To re-take test you must come in before or after school. I will NOT be available today Getting Started PICK UP: Crossword Worksheet in the back TAKE OUT: Intro to Human Reproduction Objectives Describe how cells, tissues, and organs work together in the human body. Explain the difference in mitosis and meiosis. Identify ways that environment, heredity, and lifestyles affect human development.

3 Life Cycle You began your life as a single microscopic cell.
That cell divided over and over again until it formed the trillions of cells that now make up your body.

4 Cells Cells are the basic units, or building blocks of life.
There are many different kinds of cells in the human body. Each kind of cell does a specific job.

5 Tissues Cells that do similar jobs make up tissues.
There are several different types of tissues. Each tissue has a different function and look.

6 Organs Different kinds of tissues are combined in larger structures called organs. Organs are body parts that perform particular functions.

7 Systems Group of organs that work together form systems.
Grouping organs into systems makes it easier to understand their functions.

8 1. System Match Circulatory System Digestive System Endocrine System
In your groups match the body system to the correct description. Circulatory System Digestive System Endocrine System Muscular System Nervous System Reproductive System Respiratory System Skeletal System Controls and coordinates the activities of the body systems. Helps nervous system control and coordinate activities of the body; helps regulate growth Provides a framework to support and protect the body. Works with the skeletal system to cause movement Breaks down food into simpler substances; transfers nutrients into the blood; eliminates solid waste products from the body; stores nutrients. Organs and cells that work together to create human life. Transports and distributes gases, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body; collects and transports waste products so they can be eliminated from the body; protects the body from disease. Exchanges oxygen from the environment and carbon dioxide from the body.

9 1. System Match Circulatory System G Digestive System E
In your groups match the body system to the correct description. Circulatory System G Digestive System E Endocrine System B Muscular System D Nervous System A Reproductive System F Respiratory System H Skeletal System C Controls and coordinates the activities of the body systems. Helps nervous system control and coordinate activities of the body; helps regulate growth Provides a framework to support and protect the body. Works with the skeletal system to cause movement Breaks down food into simpler substances; transfers nutrients into the blood; eliminates solid waste products from the body; stores nutrients. Organs and cells that work together to create human life. Transports and distributes gases, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body; collects and transports waste products so they can be eliminated from the body; protects the body from disease. Exchanges oxygen from the environment and carbon dioxide from the body.

10 What Makes You Unique There are several different factors as to how we develop. These factors can be grouped into three different categories: Heredity Environment Lifestyles

11 Heredity Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to their children. Has anyone ever told you that you look or act like someone else in your family?

12 Heredity In each cell of the human body there is a nucleolus.
Inside the nucleolus are 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes are threadlike structures that carry the codes of inherited traits.

13 Heredity When a cell divides to make a new cell, the 46 chromosomes are copied so that the new cell has the same chromosomes as the original. On each of the chromosomes are different genes.

14 Heredity Genes are basic units of heredity.
Gens carry codes for specific traits, such as hair color and eye color. It is the different genes that makes you unique.

15 2. My Traits List three traits that you think you get from your mom.
List three traits that you think you get from your dad.

16 How It Works You receive 23 chromosomes in the egg cell from your mother. You receive 23 chromosomes in the sperm cell from your father.

17 How It Works When the egg and the sperm cell join (fertilization) they combine together to make 46 chromosomes.

18 How it Works This pictures shows several sperm cells (each carry different combinations of genes from dad) trying to fertilize one egg cell (which has genes from mom). Depending on which sperm cell actually fertilizes the egg will determine the genetic traits and sex of the baby.

19 How it Works Your gender is determined by the 23 set of chromosomes.

20 How It works If you are a boy you will have an X and Y chromosomes on the 23 pair

21 How It Works If you are a girl, you will have an X and X chromosomes

22 Normal Cell Division Normal cell division is called mitosis
46 Chromosomes Normal cell division is called mitosis When normal cells divide the chromosomes double The cell splits and each cells ends up with the same 46 chromosome. 92 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes

23 Sex Cell Division Sex cell division is called meiosis
46 Chromosomes Sex cell division is called meiosis When sperm and egg cells divide they chromosome double. Then they split into two cells with 46 chromosomes Then they split a second time into two cells only leaving 23 chromosomes in the cell. 92 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 23 Chromosomes 23 Chromosomes

24 Sperm Sex Cell Division
46 Chromosomes X and Y chromosome With sperm cells, the sex divides a second time leaving only 23 chromosomes in the new cells. This means that some cells will only have an X chromosome and some will only have a Y chromosome. 92 chromosome 2X and 2y chromosome X and Y – 46 Chromosome X and Y – 46 Chromosome X Y X Y 23 chromosomes each

25 Sex Cell Division 46 chromosomes X and X Chromosomes In the egg cells, when the cell divides one set of the 23 cells in non functional. When the cell divides again it creates one cell that carries 23 chromosomes and another non functional cell. This means the egg cell will always have only an X chromosome. 92 chromosomes 2X and 2X Chromosomes 2X Chromosome 2X Chromosome Functioning Egg Cell X chromosome Non functioning Cells

26 3. Who Determines Gender With your partner answer the following question. Knowing that eggs cells only carry the X chromosome explain how the sperm cells are the ones that determine the gender of a baby.

27 Genetic Disorders Sometimes genes from one or both parents can have flaws. When genes are flawed, a baby may be born with a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder is caused partly or completely by a defect in genes.

28 4. Genetic Disorders With your partner come up with three genetic disorders you learned about in the last unit on Non-Infectious Diseases.

29 Common Genetic Disorders
Sickle cell disease Cystic Fibrosis PKU Muscular Dystrophy Hemophilia Down Syndrome

30 Environment Besides heredity, the second factor to influence the health of a fetus and newborn child is environment. Environment is the sum total of a person’s surroundings.

31 Environment In the last unit you learned that carcinogens are things that can cause the change in DNA of a cell. Examples of common carcinogens: Pollution Smoke UV rays Radiation Drugs Chemicals

32 Lifestyle Choices Sometimes choices in our lifestyle and things in our environment can cause harm to a developing fetus. Birth defects are abnormalities present at birth that cause physical or mental disability or death.

33 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
Poor Nutrition All the nourishment a fetus gets is from its mother. Pregnant women who do not follow healthy eating guidelines may experience one or more the following consequences: Babies born too early Low birth weight Mental and physical problems

34 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
Alcohol Alcohol changes the normal cell development in the unborn fetus and cause FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). FAS is a pattern of physical and mental problems in children whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. Even the smallest amount of alcohol consumption, and any stage of pregnancy, can cause FAS. It is important to avoid alcohol completely when pregnant.

35 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
Medication and Drugs A pregnant women should avoid all medications and drugs, unless approved by her physician. This includes over-the-counter drugs like cough syrup and headache medication. Medications and drugs can change the proper development of the fetus causing birth defects.

36 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
Tobacco A fetus who are exposed to tobacco can be born prematurely and with a low birth weight. Pregnant women should not smoke themselves and avoid breathing second hand smoke.

37 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
There are many infections that can cause serious health problems to a developing fetus. These infections include Rubella and German Measles as well as STI’s (sexually transmitted infections). These infections can cause: Deafness Blindness Brain Damage Physical Abnormalities Zika Virus

38 Human Reproduction Humans must reproduce in order for life to continue from generation to generation. This process takes place in the reproductive system. The reproductive system includes the organs that makes the production of offspring possible.

39 Human Reproduction The human body is not ready to reproduce until after puberty. Puberty is the period of time during adolescence when the reproductive system become mature.

40 Human Reproduction Adolescence is the stages of development during which humans grow from childhood to adult. This means the body and mind change to take on characteristic of adults of their gender.

41 Hormones This change in our bodies is caused by hormones.
Hormones are chemicals that help control how the body grows and function.

42 Hormones Hormones are made in several different parts of the body and each hormone causes a different change in the body.

43 Hormones The pituitary gland is found deep in the brain.
It secrets the growth hormone and follicle-stimulating hormones. These hormones stimulate physical growth and the development of the reproduction organs.

44 Hormones The thyroid gland is found in the neck
It secretes thyroxin which helps regulate body growth and development

45 Hormones The adrenal glands are found above the kidneys.
They secrete cortical sex hormones. These hormones regulate the development of sex characteristics that signal the physical differences between males and females.

46 Hormones The testes are found in males only.
They are located in the scrotum . Testes produce the hormone testosterone Testosterone helps with sperm production and the development of male sex characteristics.

47 Hormones Ovaries are found only in females.
They are found in the lower pelvic area. Ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. These hormones affect the development of female sex characteristics as well as control the menstrual cycle.

48 Human Anatomy You can see how hormones change the human body during puberty. Some of these changes are similar. Some changes are drastically different.

49 5. Changes in Adolescences
Turn to page 244 and 245 in your text book. Use the information found on figure 3 and 4 to list the changes found in males and females during adolescents. If both males and females experience the same changes list those changes under both. Male Both Females

50 Fat is Deposited in Lower Abdomen Muscles Mass Increases
Male Both Females Facial Hair Grows Shoulder Widen Voice Deepens Fat is Deposited in Lower Abdomen Muscles Mass Increases Sperm Production Starts Height and Weight Increase Acne Develops Under Hair Grows Pubic Hair Grows Permanent Teeth Come In Perspiration Increases External Genitalia Enlarge Breast Develop Hips Widen Pelvis Tilts Internal Organ Enlarge Ovulation Occurs (egg released) Menstruation Begins (period) Fat is Deposited in Buttocks / Thighs

51 6. Quick Check A _____ _____is abnormalities present at birth that cause physical or mental disabilities. A _____ _____is caused partly or completely by a defect in genes. List four steps a pregnant women can take to protect her own health and the health of her developing fetus ____ is the passing on of traits from parents to offspring. You get ___ chromosomes from both your mom and dad giving you a total of ___. What is the biggest difference between Puberty and Adolescence?

52 6. Quick Check A Birth Defects is abnormalities present at birth that cause physical or mental disabilities. A Genetic Disorder is caused partly or completely by a defect in genes. List four steps a pregnant women can take to protect her own health and the health of her developing fetus Heredity is the passing on of traits from parents to offspring. You get 23 chromosomes from both your mom and dad giving you a total of 46. What is the biggest difference between Puberty and Adolescence?

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