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Chapter 2/3 Jeopardy Jeopardy!.

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1 Chapter 2/3 Jeopardy Jeopardy!


3 Fur Trade and Missionaries
Unit Jeopardy Vocab PNW Natives Age of Exploration Fur Trade and Missionaries Chapter 3 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL

4 Vocab 100 Long dwellings where many Coastal First Peoples or Native Americans lived Longhouses

5 Vocab 200 Seasonal movement of a group of animals from one place to another or the movement of people from one place to another migration

6 Vocab 300 What was the Pig War?
San Juan Islands and its inhabitants not wanting to agree to the 1846 treaty to be part of the U.S. Finally an issue with a British pig wandering onto a American farm brought everything to a stalemate/almost fight. Each side sent soldiers and finally, 12 years later, a German ambassador resolved the issue by stating the treaty clearing states that the San Juans are owned by the U.S.

7 Vocab 400 Plateau First Peoples lived in this type of house during the winter months Pit house

8 Manifest Destiny Vocab 500
Americans believed they had the right to the west and the right to expand and explore because they believed in ______________ Manifest Destiny

9 What two types of Indian tribes existed in the Northwest
PNW Natives 100 What two types of Indian tribes existed in the Northwest Coastal and Plateau

10 Along the rivers and coastlines
PNW Natives 200 The Coastal Indians developed a unique and rich culture along what physical features? Along the rivers and coastlines

11 PNW Natives 300 Cascade Mountains
What geographic landform divided the Coastal Tribes and the Plateau Tribes? Cascade Mountains

12 PNW Natives 400 War and trade
In what two ways did Northwest Native American groups interact? War and trade

13 PNW Natives 500 How did the arrival of explorers, settlers, and missionaries affect Native American cultures? Spread disease, increased trade, introduced them to Christianity and other cultural differences (languages), caused conflict

14 Age of Exploration 100 Spanish and English
What two European groups were the first to explore the Northwest Coast? Spanish and English

15 Name one early explorer in the Northwest
Age of Exploration 200 Name one early explorer in the Northwest Answers vary

16 Age of Exploration 300 Robert Gray
What American explorer named the Columbia River and claimed it for the United States? Robert Gray

17 Searching for a route to Asia and Trade
Age of Exploration 400 What brought explorers to the Pacific Northwest? Searching for a route to Asia and Trade

18 Age of Exploration 500 Lewis and Clark
In 1803, what two American explorers set out to map the terrain of the Northwest? Lewis and Clark

19 Fur Trade and Missionaries 100
In the early 1800s what was the primary way people made money along the Pacific Coast? Fur trading

20 Fur Trade and Missionaries 200
What action by fur traders led to the decline of the sea otter and beaver fur trade in the Pacific Northwest? Overtrapping

21 DAILY DOUBLE - Fur Trade and Missionaries
What two animals were almost trapped to extinction? Beaver and Sea Otter

22 Fur Trade and Missionaries 400
What brought missionaries to the Pacific Northwest? The call to convert Native Americans to Christianity plus new land and business opportunities

23 Fur Trade and Missionaries 500
Four Indian mean went to St. Louis to visit William Clark and requested what? Christian Missionaries

24 Great Britain and U.S. Chapter 3 100
What two nations settled the boundary dispute between the Oregon Territory and what is now Canada? Great Britain and U.S.

25 Washington Territory Chapter 3 200
What was created in 1853 by the Organic Act when settlers asked to be separated from the Oregon Territory? Washington Territory

26 Chapter 3 300 What was life like for the early pioneers who settled the Pacific Northwest or Washington Territory? Hardships – weather, lack of food, lack of experience, bad crops due to weather, conflicts with indians Happinesses – horse back riding, skiing, town get togethers, receiving letters and newspapers

27 What were some specific reasons pioneers moved west?
Chapter 3 400 What were some specific reasons pioneers moved west? Cheap land and business opportunities, new life, adventure, to escape slavery, healthy climate

28 FINAL JEOPARDY! Describe and list the unique characteristics of the Coastal and Plateau tribes Answers will vary

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