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Presentation on theme: "Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scotland

2 Capital of Scotland + Longitude and Latitude
Capital: Edinburgh Lat: Long:

3 Major body of water Scotland's major body of water is the Atlantic Ocean

4 Highest point The highest point: Ben Nevis
Height: Scotland’s highest peak is approximately 1,344.52m or 4, feet

5 Most popular sport Popular sport(s): Football, Golf, Hockey, Rugby, and Tennis

6 Festival Celebrated and what it is about
Festival Celebrated: Hogmanay is one of the festivals celebrated and it is celebrated because of bringing in the new year.

7 Most Exported goods and famous companies
Scotland’s exports totaled 76 billion dollars but in the U.S. it is $ USD some items are jet engines, buses, computer software, microelectronics, and insurance ctd. Scotland's famous companies are: Royal bank of Scotland, Lipton, Drambuie, Nae Danger, and McVitie´s

8 Is Scotland part of the European Union
Yes, but Scotland is going to leave the EU soon. Scotland joined the EU in 1532 but was recreated by different countries over time

9 Famous Celebrities in Scotland
Gerard Butler, Calvin Harris were actors in movies

10 Scotland’s famous political leader
Nicola Sturgeon is the leader/president of Scotland currently.

11 Was Scotland involved in WWI
Yes, Scottish Troops battled a long 141 days Scottish troops were heavily involved in the fighting at a terrible cost of deaths and injuries and caused Millions of dollars.

12 Was the country involved in WWII
Yes, Scotland was attacked badly by German bombers Glasgow, Clyde, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Dundee were bombed as well as towns and cities.

13 What is the Current Leader of Scotland?
Nicola Sturgeon is the present day leader of Scotland.

14 What system of government does Scotland have?
Scotland has a Constitutional Monarchy as their type of government.

15 Important event in Scotland's history
In 1988 Terrorist blow up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie killing 270 people along with 11 residents included.

16 Iconic landmark/ Place people visit
Edinburgh is a place people visit because of The Castle there and the art they have and where the Capital is.

17 Scotland’s population
Scotland's population is million people.

18 Scotland's Top 3 Religions
32.4% of people in Scotland go to Church of Scotland 15.9% of people are Roman Catholics 5.5% of people are Other Christians

19 Climate regions in Scotland and what the weather is like
Highland Region, The Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland rise steeply from the glens. Scotland has extra hours of daylight and is always humid and warm.

20 Primary Language spoken in Scotland
Scotland´s primary languages English Scots Gaelic

21 Relationship with the U.S.
Scotland´s relationship with the United States is good considering they are part of the United Kingdom and we have gotten along with them for over 100 years.

22 Sites
Google search

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