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Energy Conversions.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Conversions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Conversions

2 Energy Conversions Potential Energy: The energy an object has due to its position Kinetic Energy: The energy an object has because of its motion

3 Here’s a song that will help us learn the difference between the two…
The first click will remove the words from the slide, then clicking on the black rectangle will start the video.

4 Energy Conversions Which picture shows balloons with high kinetic energy?

5 Energy Conversions At letter “W” does the roller coaster car have high potential energy or high kinetic energy?

6 Energy Conversions At letter “X” does the roller coaster car have high potential energy or high kinetic energy?

7 Medium potential energy
Energy Conversions You may have noticed that energy can be converted from potential to kinetic and back again. High potential energy Medium potential energy High kinetic energy

8 Bill Nye explains kinetic and potential energy…
The first click will remove the words from the screen, the next click will start the video.

9 Energy Conversions There are other types of energy beside potential and kinetic: Light Chemical Sound Radiation Mechanical Electrical Heat

10 Energy Conversions Each type of energy can be converted into another form through various processes: Light energy Chemical energy

11 Light energy Chemical energy The process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS converts light energy from the sun into chemical energy that the plant stores as sugar.

12 Chemical energy Mechanical energy The chemical energy stored in food, like corn, is converted into mechanical energy when we digest it. We use the mechanical energy to perform life functions.

13 This hamburger is full of chemical energy
Energy Conversions All forms of energy on Earth can be traced back to the sun. This hamburger is full of chemical energy

14 Energy Conversions The chemical energy stored in the hamburger came from the food the cow ate.

15 Energy Conversions The cow used mechanical energy to chew the hay that was produced through photosynthesis

16 Energy Conversions Photosynthesis is the process of making food using energy from light energy.

17 Energy Conversions Light Energy Chemical Energy Mechanical Energy

18 Energy Conversions Let’s Summarize:
Potential energy is energy that is stored in an object Kinetic energy is energy that comes from motion Energy can be converted from potential to kinetic and back again All energy on earth can be traced back to the sun

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