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October 19th TAKE OUT: Learning Objectives: Absolute Monarch chart

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1 October 19th TAKE OUT: Learning Objectives: Absolute Monarch chart
I can describe why certain nations move towards the path of absolutism. I can describe the cause and effect of absolutism Pick UP: History textbook

2 Louis XIV

3 Country/area ruled France

4 Major political/social accomplishments and/or failures
Strengthens the royal power Expand bureaucracy  appointed officials to collect taxes & carry his policies Expand the French army  strongest in Europe Appointed lots of wealthy middle class men into gov’t  kept nobles in check Imposed economic policies that made France very wealthy enough for the cost of Louis’ court and many wars Built the palace of Versailles  symbol of wealth & power Patron of the arts Sponsored French Academics with highest standard of art and science

5 Major political/social accomplishments and/or failures
Persecuted French Protestants (Huguenots)  revoked Edict of Nantes that protected religious freedom  100,000 Huguenots fled  effected French economy Many wars will affect France after his death

6 Military successes and/or failure
Fought many foreign wars Expanded France’s borders France became one of the strongest state in Europe

7 Example of critical attribute of absolutism
Firmly believed in his divine right to rule  took the sun as the symbol of his absolute rule “The Sun King”  just like the sun is at the center of the solar system, the Sun King is at the center of the nation Likes to say, “L’etat, c’est moi”  “I am the State” Never once called a meeting of the Estates General **Estate General: council made up of representatives of all French social classes, suppose to check the kings power

8 Reminder: Key Terms Quiz tomorrow!!

9 October 20th Pick UP Learning Objectives: Manila folder
Take a vocabulary quiz I can describe the cause and effect of absolutism TO DO: Clear your table

10 When you are done… Turn in your test to the front
Return your manila folder to the front Finish your purple chart & turn in at the end of the period If your chart is done  study for your Act 2 Quiz in LA Please do not talk till the last person is done with their quiz

11 Work on the significance for the following terms:
Absolutism – What motivated countries/leaders to become absolute monarchs? Which countries choose this route? . Commonwealth – Why should monarchs care about the commonwealth? Did absolute monarchs live up to this? Puritans – What is the relationship between these people and the English Civil War? Magna Carta – What was the purpose? Is this a challenge to absolutism? Parliament – What role did parliament play with absolutism & the English Civil War?

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