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HI MY NAME IS: Mistletoe.

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1 HI MY NAME IS: Mistletoe

2 Viscum album Hemi-parasite (partially parasite)
Grows on the branches of Deciduous trees, raw plant is extremely poisonous Located in Europe, Asia and North Africa A Perennial plant (lives year after year)

3 General Characteristics
Yellowish, smooth stem Tongue-shaped leaves Small yellow flowers Smooth, white berries are produced from Oct. - Dec., they ripen in December

4 History Of Mistletoe Has been one of the most magical, mysterious and sacred of all the European plants Associated with Celtic rituals & Greek festivals The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe was first associated with primitive marriage rights due to its believed power of fertility

5 Components in Mistletoe
Viscotoxins- small proteins that stimulate immune system activity Alkaloids- Nitrogen containing cells, mistletoe alkaloids also have anti-cancer activity Lectins- complex molecules that contain both proteins & sugars and are capable of combining to immune system cells

6 Medicinal Uses Cancer drug (shown to increase survival time by 40% in Germany) Is used to treat seizures and headaches, along with other conditions Is also used in cases of epilepsy

7 Quick Facts In some parts of England mistletoe is burned in case the young men and women who kissed under it should never marry The word mistletoe comes from Anglo-Saxon, it means “Dung-on-a-twig” Sacred plant of Frigga, or Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love


9 Gods

10 Celtic Druids

11 Bibliography

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