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Spanish Explorers and Colonies

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1 Spanish Explorers and Colonies
Chapter 2 section 1

2 Setting the Scene What is a colony?
What are some purposes for starting a colony?

3 Building a Spanish Empire
Major explorers Juan Ponce De Leon— “Hidalgo” Sought the ______ of _____, traveled through______ Vasco de ________ Crossed the isthmus of ________ First to see the ______ _____from the American Continent Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese) Credited with being the first to ____________ the world

4 Pattern of Conquest God, Gold, and Glory Patterned after ___________
3 reasons for conquest: 1) spread the “________” religion 2) loot _______ cities 3) win ______ for their exploits The same reasons would spur the Spanish to the America, only the new enemy was the Native American

5 Pattern of Conquest (cont.)
_______________ Cortes and Pizarro Hernan Cortes—Conquered the ________ “I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart with can be cured only by gold” Francisco Pizarro– Conquered the ______ Both. . . Had the help of other Indian tribes Aided by _______ and _______—killed millions

6 Pattern of Conquest (cont.)
Controlling the Spanish Empire Wealthy through mining slave labor ____________ System Natives were required to farm, ranch or mine for profit of the Spanish Spanish were supposed to ensure well-being of the workers __________ Group of people descendents of Spanish and Native Americans

7 Pushing North Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Hernán de Soto
Searching for _________ ________ Hernán de Soto First Spaniard to cross the ___________ _______

8 Pushing North (cont) Forts for Defense (_______) SE Coast SW
Protect ships laden with silver and gold SW Protection of _______ _________ West Coast Settled to keep others countries from interfering

9 Missionary efforts Missions
Success of presidios actually came from the work of the ___________ Converted Natives to Christianity _________________ Native American settled villages Live and Worship like ________

10 Native American Resistance
Nomadic Groups—_________ Refused to cooperate with the Spanish Usually Disorganized _______ Revolt of 1680 _________ drove the Pueblo to go back to their old ways Turned on the _________, drove them out of the region

11 Critical Thinking 1. How did legends and rumors affect European knowledge of the Americas? 2. What role did religion play in the Spanish pattern of conquest—both in Europe and America? 3. Analyze the meaning of this 1599 Spanish Motto: “By the sword and the compass, more and more and more and more.”

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