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Introduction to FORTRAN

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1 Introduction to FORTRAN
Shyh-Kang Jeng Department of Electrical Engineering/ Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering National Taiwan University

2 Reference 彭國倫, Fortran 95 程式設計, 碁峰, 2001.

3 Outline History of FORTRAN Basics Declaration Program Flow Control
Arrays Functions Pointers Modules

4 History of FORTRAN FORmula TRANslator First FORTRAN compiler
John Backus, IBM, 1957 1st high level programming language Most popular in 1960’s FORTRAN 66 1st ANSI standard FORTRAN FORTRAN 77, 1978 FORTRAN 90, 1992 Pointers and OO FORTRAN 95, 1997 Support for parallel computation

5 Fixed Format (*.f, *.for) C FIXED FORMATDEMO program main
write(*,*) ‘Hello’ write(*,*) 1’Hello’ 100 write(*,*) ‘Hello’ 10 Stop end


7 Free Format (*.f90) ! Free Format program main
write(*,*) “Hello” ! This is also a comment write(*,*) & “Hello” wri& &te(*,*) “Hello” end

8 Basic Data Types and Arithmetic Operators
INTEGER REAL COMPLEX CHARACTER LOGICAL Arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, **, ()

9 Demo Program program example integer a real b real*8 c complex d
character(len=10) s logical t a = 2 + 2*4 – 3 b = /2.0 c = 0.1 write(*,*) a, “ “, b, “ “, c d = (1.0, 2.0) ! d = i write(*,*) d s = “Hello” write(*,*) s t = .true. write(*,*) t stop end

10 Read Data and Formatted Output
program readWriteDemo integer a, b, c real d complex e read(*,*) a, b, c write(*,100) a + b + c 100 format(I4) d = 12.3 write(*, “(1X, F5.2)”) d e = (1, 2) write(*, 200) e 200 format(1X, F4.1, F4.1) end

11 implicit and parameter Statements
program demo implicit none integer :: i = real pi write(*,”(‘ =‘, I4)”) i parameter (pi = ) write(*,”(F4.2)”) sin(pi/6) end

12 DATA Statement program demo implicit none integer a real b complex c
character* (20) str data a, b, c, str /1, 2.0, (1, 2), ‘FORTRAN 77’/ write(*,*) a, b, c, str stop end

13 type Statement (FORTRAN 90)
program typeDemo implicit none type::person character(len=30) :: name integer :: age end type person type(person) :: a; write(*,*) “Name:” read(*,*) a%name write(*,*) “Age:” read(*,*) a%age write(*,100) a%name, a%age 100 format(/,”Name: “, A10/,”Age:”,I3) stop end

14 if Statement and Logical Operations (FORTRAN 77)
PROGRAM Demo IMPLICIT NONE REAL speed LOGICAL hasBarrier WRITE(*,*) “speed:” READ(*,*) speed hasBarrier = .false. IF ( speed .GT OR. hasBarrier ) THEN WRITE(*,*) “Slow down” ELSE WRITE(*,*) “Keep going” END IF STOP END

15 if Statement and Logical Operations (FORTRAN 90)
program Demo implicit none integer rain, windSpeed write(*,*) “Rain:” read(*,*) rain write(*,*) “Wind:” read(*,*) windSpeed if( rain >= 500 .or. windSpeed >= 10 ) then write(*,*) “Take one day off” else write(*,*) “Go to office” endif stop end

16 Multiple if-else if Statement
program demo implicit none integer score character grade write(*,*) “Score:” read(*,*) score if ( score > 100 ) then grade = ‘?’ else if ( score >= 90 ) then grade = ‘A’ else if ( score >= 80 ) then grade = ‘B’ else end if write(*,”(‘Grade:’, A1)”) grade stop end

17 Nested if Statement program demo implicit none integer score
character grade write(*,*) “Score:” read(*,*) score if ( score > 100 ) then grade = ‘?’ else if ( score >= 90 ) then grade = ‘A’ grade = ‘B’ end if write(*,”(‘Grade:’, A1)”) grade stop end

18 select case Statement program demo implicit none integer score
character grade write(*,*) “Score:” read(*,*) score select case(score) case(90:100) grade = ‘A’ case default grade = ‘B’ end select write(*,”(‘Grade:’,A1)”) grade stop end

19 goto Statement program NOT_RECOMMENDED implicit none real height
real weight write(*,*) “height:” read(*,*) height write(*,*) “weight:” read(*,*) weight if( weight > height – 100 ) goto 200 100 write(*,*) “Under control” goto 300 200 write(*,*) “Too fat!” 300 stop end

20 Arithmetic goto program NOT_RECOMMENDED implicit none real a, b real c
data a, b /2.0, 1.0/ c = a - b if ( c ) 10, 20, 30 10 write(*,*) ‘a < b’ goto 40 20 write(*,*) ‘a = b’ 30 write(*,*) ‘a > b’ 40 Stop end

21 do Statement (.f90) program demo implicit none integer counter
integer parameter :: lines = 10 do counter=1, lines, 1 write(*,*) “Happy New Year”, counter end do stop end

22 do Statement (*.for) PROGRAM demo IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER limit
PARAMETER (limit=10) INTEGER counter INTEGER ans DATA ans /0/ DO 100, counter = 2, limit, 2 ans = ans + counter 100 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*) ans STOP END

23 do while Statement (*.f90)
program demo implicit none integer, parameter :: limit = 10 integer counter integer :: ans = 0 counter = 2 do while ( counter <= limit ) ans = ans + counter counter = counter + 2 end do write(*,*) ans stop end

24 cycle Statement (*.f90) program elevator implicit none
integer :: dest = 9 integer floor do floor = 1, dest if ( floor == 4 ) cycle write(*,*) floor end do stop end

25 exit Statement (*.f90) program WeightGuess implicit none
real, parameter :: weight = 45.0 real, parameter :: error = real :: guess do while ( .true. ) write(*,*) “Weight:” read(*,*) guess if ( abs(guess – weight) < error ) exit end do write(*,*) “Correct!” stop end

26 One-Dimensional Array
program Demo implicit none integer, parameter :: students = 5 integer student( students ) integer i do i = 1, students write(*,”(‘Number ‘, I2)”) i read(*,*) student(i) end do do while ( .true. ) write(*,*) “Query” read(*,*) i if( i <= 0 .or. i>students ) exit write(*,*) student(i) stop end

27 Two-Dimensional Array (1/2)
program MatrixAddition implicit none integer, parameter :: row = 2 integer, parameter :: col = 2 integer matrixA(row, col) integer matrixB(row, col) integer matrixC(row, col) integer r integer c write(*,*) “Matrix A” do r = 1, row do c = 1, col write(*,”(‘A(‘,I1,’,’,I1,’)=‘)”) r, c read(*,*) matrixA(r,c) end do

28 Two-Dimensional Array (1/2)
write(*,*) “Matrix B” do r = 1, row do c = 1, col write(*,”(‘B(‘,I1,’,’,I1,’)=‘)”) r, c read(*,*) matrixB(r,c) end do write(*,*) “Matrix A + B = “ matrixC(r,c) = MatrixB(r,c) + MatrixA(r,c) write(*,”(‘C(‘,I1,’,’,I1,’)=‘,I3)”) r, c, & matrixC(r,c) stop end

29 Declaration of Arrays integer a(5) integer a(0:5) integer a(-3:3)
integer b(2:3, -1:3)

30 Setting Array Data integer a(5) data a /1, 2, 3, 4, 5/ integer i
data (a(i), i=2,4) /2, 3, 4/ integer a(2,2) integer I, j data ( (a(I,j), i=1,2), j=1,2) /1, 2, 3, 4/

31 Column Major Storage A(1,1) A(3,1) A(2,2) A(3,2) A(1,3) A(2,3) A(3,3)

32 Adjustable Array (*.f90) program Demo implicit none integer students
integer, allocatable :: a( integer I write(*,*) “How many students:” read(*,*) students allocate( a(students) ) do I = 1, students write(*, “(‘Number ‘, I3)”) I read(*,*) a(i) end do deallocate( a ) stop end

33 Subroutines program example implicit none call message() stop end
subroutine message() write(*,*) “Hello.” return

34 Pass by Reference program example implicit none integer :: a = 1
integer :: b = 2 write(*,*) a, b call add(a) call add(b) stop end subroutine add(num) integer :: num num = num + 1 return

35 Functions program example implicit none real :: a = 1 real :: b = 2
real, external :: add write(*,*) add(a,b) stop end function add(a, b) real :: a, b real :: add add = a + b return

36 common Statement program example implicit none integer :: a, b
common a, b a = 1 b = 2 call showCommon() stop end subroutine showCommon() integer :: num1, num2 common num1, num2 write(*,*) num1, num2 return

37 Labeled common Blocks program example implicit none integer :: a, b
common /group1/ a common /group2/ b a = 1 b = 2 call showGroup1() call showGroup2() stop end subroutine showGroup1() integer :: num common /group1/ num1 write(*,*) num1 return

38 Block Data program example implicit none integer :: a, b common a, b
integer :: c, d common /group1/ c, d write(*,*) a, b, c, d stop end block data integer a, b data a, b /1, 2/ integer c, d common c, d data c, d /3, 4/ end block data

39 Recursive Functions (*.f90)
program example implicit none integer n integer, external :: fact write(*,*) ‘N =‘ read(*,*) n write(*,”(I2,’! = ‘,I8)” ) n, fact(n) stop end recursive integer function fact(n) result(ans) integer, intent(in) :: n if( n <= 1 ) then ans = 1 return end if ans = n * fact(n-1)

40 Pointers I program example implicit none integer, target :: a = 1
integer, pointer :: p p=>a write(*,*) p a = 2 p = 3 write(*,*) a stop end

41 Pointers II program example implicit none integer, target :: a = 1
integer, pointer :: p allocate(p) p = 1 write(*,*) p deallocate(p) p=>a stop end

42 Pointers III program example implicit none integer, pointer : a(:)
allocate( a(5) ) a = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /) write(*,*) a deallocate( a ) stop end

43 Modules (1/4) module constant implicit none
real, parameter :: pi = real, parameter :: g = 9.81 end module module typedef type player real :: angle real :: speed real :: distance end type

44 Modules (2/4) module shoot use constant use typedef implicit none
contains real function AngleToRad( angle ) real angle AngleToRad = angle * pi/180.0 return end subroutine GetDistance( person ) type(player) :: person real rad, Vx, time

45 Modules (3/4) rad = AngleToRad( person%angle )
Vx = person%speed * cos( rad ) time = 2.0 * person%speed * sin( rad )/g person % distance = Vx * time return end subroutine end module

46 Modules (4/4) program example use shoot implicit none
integer, parameter :: players = 2 type(player) :: people(players) = (/ & player(30.0, 25.0, 0.0 ), & player(35.0, 21.0, 0.0 ) /) integer :: i do i = 1, players call GetDistance( people(i) ) write(*,”(‘Player ‘,I1,’ =‘,F8.2)”) i, & people(i)%distance end do stop end

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