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2 I. OLD KINGDOM 2575BC – 2130 BC kingdom developed around kings called Pharaohs. People who settled along the Nile began working together in 3100BC under the King of Upper Egypt King Menes. During this time kingdom the Pyramids and the Great Sphinx were built.

3 II. MIDDLE KINGDOM 1938 BC – 1630 BC
Power struggles, crop failures and debt from building the pyramids made the old kingdom fall. Middle Kingdom was turbulent, filled with corruption and crop failure In 1700 BC the Hyksos invaded and ruled the Egyptian kingdom fro nearly 100 years.

4 III. NEW KINGDOM 1539 BC – 1075 BC At the height, around 1450 BC the new kingdom reached as far as Syria and the Euphrates First female ruler, Hatshepsut rules the entire kingdom Ramses II is considered the best Pharaoh in Egyptian history – achieved many conquests and monuments in his name.

5 TRAITS OF EGYPT Egypt began along the Nile River in North Africa
Egypt was bordered on both sides by desert which isolated & protected Egyptians from outsiders The Nile River’s annual floods were predictable & provided fertile soil for farming The Geography of Egypt From the highlands of East Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile River flows northward across Africa for over 4,100 miles, making it the longest river in the world. A thin ribbon of water in a parched desert land, the great river brings its water to Egypt from distant mountains, plateaus, and lakes in present-day Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia. Egypt’s settlements arose along the Nile on a narrow strip of land made fertile by the river. The change from fertile soil to desert—from the Black Land to the Red Land—was so abrupt that a person could stand with one foot in each. The Gift of the Nile As in Mesopotamia, yearly flooding brought the water and rich soil that allowed settlements to grow. Every year in July, rains and melting snow from the mountains of east Africa caused the Nile River to rise and spill over its banks. When the river receded in October, it left behind a rich deposit of fertile black mud called silt. Before the scorching sun could dry out the soil, the peasants would prepare their wheat and barley fields. All fall and winter they watered their crops from a network of irrigation ditches. In an otherwise parched land, the abundance brought by the Nile was so great that the Egyptians worshiped it as a god who gave life and seldom turned against them. As the ancient Greek historian Herodotus remarked in the fifth century B.C., Egypt was the “gift of the Nile.” The Nile flooded so predictably that the Egyptians designed their calendar around it

CITIES LOWER EGYPT Cities developed along the Nile River in “Upper Egypt” & “Lower Egypt” The Nile River Flowed from Upper Egypt to Lower Egypt, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Memphis Cairo Thebes Luxor UPPER EGYPT

COMPLEX SOCIETY PHARAOH PRIESTS AND NOBLES society is well structured. There are 5 specific levels of workers in Egypt. SKILLED WORKERS FARMERS UNSKILLED WORKERS

COMPLEX SOCIETY v. LASTING CONTRIBUTIONS Vizier  - the most important person after the pharaoh. Appointed by the pharaoh and oversaw the judiciary system and the government administration Chief Treasurer - responsible for collecting and assessing taxes. Overseer - managed work sites, like the pyramids Scribes - wrote official documents and could move to higher positions.

COMPLEX SOCIETY v. LASTING CONTRIBUTIONS The great pyramids of GIZA Great Pyramid (Khufu’s pyramid) Pyramid of Cheops Pyramid of Khafre Used as tombs for pharaohs (the most famous was that of King TUT) 20-30 years to build 481 feet tall Skilled workers were used to build

10 The Egyptians built all their pyramids on the West bank of the Nile
The Egyptians built all their pyramids on the West bank of the Nile. Scholars have found around 100 pyramids in Egypt and more are likely buried under the sand. The most important pyramid complexes are at Saqqara, Meidum, Dahshur and Giza. Some pyramids are only mud-brick remnants now. JUST INTERESTING – DO NOT WRITE!

11 Pharaohs ruled Egypt as “King- Gods” & were thought to control nature
v. LASTING CONTRIBUTIONS Pharaohs ruled Egypt as “King- Gods” & were thought to control nature Egyptians constructed pyramids & elaborate tombs for the pharaohs GOVERNMENT

Egyptians were polytheistic he gods played important roles in the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians. There were two levels of gods: local gods and national gods. v. LASTING CONTRIBUTIONS Daily Rituals Festivals Shrines Offerings to the dead Hymns and prayers Religious ceremonies RELIGION

13 EGYPTIAN GODS Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god. He is the father of the gods and is usually depicted with the body of a human and the head of a falcon. Osiris was the god of the dead and resurrection. He was the ruler of the Tuat and people would appeal to him to care for their departed ancestors. Osiris was the king of the gods until his brother killed him. Amun was a creator god who became a national god after the pharaohs moved their capital to the city of Thebes. He was later combined with Ra, who was a sun-god, a creator god and the king of the gods. The people saw Amun-Ra as the creative power behind the existence of all life. RELIGION

14 EGYPTIAN GODS Hathor was a cow goddess and a cosmic goddess. She nourished all life with her milk and her name meant “House of Horus”. Isis was a fertility goddess and a mother goddess. The goddess with 10,000 names was one of her titles emphasizing her many roles and names. Ma’at was the representation of moral and physical law. Some scholars consider her the most important goddess of Ancient Egypt. Ma’at’s worship spread throughout Egypt because she helped judge the dead. RELIGION

15 EGYPTIAN GODS Anubis is the god of death and dying. Heis also considered to be the god of the underworld. His image is often seen as the guardian of tombs and the bodies held within. Seth was the god of evil and darkness. He was the adversary of Horus and everything that was good. Except for the red crown, people regarded the color red as an evil color because of its connection to Set. Horus was a sun god and the king of the gods. “The living Horus” was one of the pharaoh’s titles and emphasized his right to rule Egypt like Horus ruled the gods. His emblem was the falcon RELIGION

Egyptian hieroglyphics was both pictograms & a phonetic alphabet Hieroglyphics were translated using the Rosetta Stone It has 3 languages – each displaying the same content This was found in the early 1800’s by Napoleon’s army while marching toward Egypt. WRITING

Egyptian ideas included a 365-day calendar, geometry, astronomy, & pyramids TECHNOLOGY

18 Class Activity #1 Overview: You & your team are members of an ancient tribe known as “Patrioti” Working with your tribe, complete the following activities in order: Step 1: Collect at least 4 food tokens & 1 water token Step 2: Gather resources & build a temple to honor the “food god” Your grade will be based on completing these tasks & the creativity of your temple

19 New discovery: FARMING!
Class Activity #2 New discovery: FARMING! Working with your tribe, complete the following activities in order: Step 1: Collect at least 4 food tokens & 1 water token Step 2: Gather resources & build a temple to honor the “food god” Your grade will be based on completing these tasks & the creativity of your temple

20 Debriefing Questions Discuss with your team & write down your answers to the following questions: What were your experiences like during Round 1 of this activity? How did the discovery of “farming” change your experiences in Round 2? How do you think these activities relate to early human beings? What advantages do you think farming gave to early humans?


22 Assyrians

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