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Ancient Egypt & Judaism

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1 Ancient Egypt & Judaism

2 Pyramid: immense stone structure often built as tombs
Mummification: ritualistic embalming and drying of corpses to prevent decay Pharaohs: Egyptian kings worshipped as gods Theocracy: type of government based on religious authority Polytheistic: belief in more than one god Hieroglyphics: form of written language where symbols stood for words or ideas Deity: God/Goddess or higher power

3 Obelisk: tall, narrow structure cut from one piece of stone
The Hyksos: Invaders who, once expelled, allowed the New Kingdom to prosper Abu Simbel: Great stone temple built by Ramses II.

4 Palestine/Canaan: Promised land of the Hebrews located at the SE end of the Mediterranean Sea
Torah: Most sacred writings of the Hebrews; makes up part of the Old Testament of the Bible Exodus: Name given to when Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt Covenant: Promise made by Abraham and his people to obey God; in return God would protect Abraham and his descendents

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