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Cooper university hospital

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1 Cooper university hospital
Blood Disorders Cooper university hospital School of perfusion 2014 Michael f. Hancock, ccp

2 Sickle Cell Disease Blood disorder containing an alteration of a single amino acid residue in the beta-globin chain. A hydrophobic valine residue is present on the beta-6 chain which has significant pathogenic potency Homozygous Trait- you have Sickle Cell Disease Heterozygous Trait- you are recessive carrier Hemoglobin Electrophoresis- is the definitive lab test for Sickle Cell disease Sickle Cell disease causes Hemolytic Anemia Symptoms- SOB, pains, convulsions

3 Sickle Cell Disease Normal Patients- Hemoglobin A 96% Hemoglobin S 4%
Sickle Cell Patients- Hemoglobin A % Hemoglobin S %

4 Sickle Cell Disease Sickling of RBCs:
Normal RBCs change shape to fit through blood vessels, they thin out and elongate to fit through Sickle Cell Crisis- RBCs change shape under conditions: Hypoxia Acidosis Hypothermia Sickle Cell RBCs, when deoxygenated, hemoglobin S molecules aggregate into long “fiber-like” polymers which cause the red cell to distort from its normal biconcave disk shape into the classic crescent or “sickle shape” They aggregate into clumps and occlude the microvascular circulation and are destroyed by the reticuloendothelial system at a greatly accelerated rate Leads to anemia and micro-infarction of tissues

5 Sickle Cell Disease CPB for Sickle Cell Patients
CPB causes hypothermia, hemodilution, low blood oxygenation, tissue acidosis and other factors that increase the potential for oxyhemoglobin desaturation, which causes more sickling of the cells Sickle Cell Crisis- starts with hypoxia and the sickling of cells that ensues leads to vaso-occlusion and thrombosis Tissue acidosis and hypoxia lead to the crisis

6 CPB for Sickle Cell Patients
Exchange Transfusions Massive Blood Transfusions prior to CPB, get rid of sickled RBCs Goal is to increase the ratio of Hbg-A to Hbg-S Goal of exchange transfusions is: Hbg-A- 70% Hbg-S- 30%

7 CPB for Sickle Cell Patients
Prevention of acidosis with blood buffers, like Bicarb Peri-operative transfusions Normothermic or mild hypothermic conditions DO NOT COOL High blood oxygenation saturations Keep pO2 high Keep patient diluted during CPB Use vasodilators to keep vessels open Warm cardioplegia

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